Aftermath: Asking For Assistance

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During those five years, Tony Stark married Pepper Potts and had a daughter, Morgan Stark, living at a secluded location. While Tony and his daughter were about to enter back into the cabin, Steve, Natasha Romanoff, and Scott Lang approached him with the possibility of bringing everyone back through time travel.

After telling Tony about the act of time traveling, they listened to his argument against the idea of time travel, fearing that they'll never be coming back. Once Scott told Tony that he came back from the present, he told Lang that his case was a billion in one chances of a cosmic fluke thus it could not happened. Despite of the group taking a stand to fix what had happened to everyone, Tony still propose on not joining the Time Heist before Morgan saved him.

While Tony was happy to see them and invited them for lunch if they wanted to stay, Steve told him that he was very glad on what he had built for himself but the Time Heist was their second chance, but Stark told him that he already has a second chance and can't risk going back. Despite their best attempts, they couldn't convince Stark to help them and left the cabin before wanting to do something right, heading to Bruce Banner the next day for some help.

Meeting Bruce over at a diner, the group learned that, during the five years, he has gained newfound control over the Hulk. Now with the combination of both personalities, Banner was permanently in Hulk form, but maintained his scientific mind and identity. After Hulk was taking photos with kids, Steve told him to focus about what they were talking about going back in time. With his knowledge of quantum physics, Banner doubted that it could be done, but agreed to test with them.

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