HYDRA Uprising: Battle of Washington, D.C.

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The group took Jasper Sitwell into their custody and began driving towards Washington, D.C.. As they drove, Rogers explained his plan to use Sitwell to gain them access to the Triskelion and force him to shut down Project Insight before it had the chance to be activated. Sitwell, however, exclaimed that this was a terrible idea that would never work while Rogers and the others simply ignored him and continued driving.

However before they could all reach the Triskelion and continue with their plan, they were attacked by Winter Soldier and his men who had been seemingly sent by Alexander Pierce. Before they even had a moment to react, Sitwell was then ripped out of the car and killed by being thrown into traffic, before the Winter Soldier then shot into the car and proceeded to then rip out the car's steering wheel and caused them all to lose control and crash the car on the road.

Steve, however, had saved his allies by kicking off the car door and allowing them to ride it onto the road to relative safety while their car crashed multiple times, leaving them to face the Winter Soldier and his team of HYDRA soldiers who had instructions to kill them all. The battle broke out and he saved Natasha Romanoff when he had managed to block a grenade blast, fired by the Winter Soldier, with his own Shield, with the explosion managing to knock Steve off the bridge and into an oncoming bus, briefly taking him out of the clash, leaving his allies to fend for themselves against Pierce's soldiers who immediately began firing upon them without any sense of mercy.

When Steve had come too he was almost immediately fired at by the HYDRA soldier armed with his minigun, but Rogers regained his shield and blocked the bullets before he subdued the soldier while being aided by Sam Wilson, who kept all the soldiers at bay, having stolen one of the guns and war currently firing back at them. With the soldiers being dealt with, Rogers then began chasing after the Winter Soldier who was now attempting to assassinate Natasha.

Steve soon found Natasha using her Black Widow's Bites to try and defeat the Winter Soldier herself, but she was then shot through the shoulder and defeated. Before she could be executed, Rogers charged in and ambushed the Winter Soldier, blocking a strike from his Prosthetic Arm with his own shield. Having deflected the punch, Rogers was then kicked off the car roof before being shot at by the Winter Soldier, as Rogers blocked the shots with his shield.

Winter Soldier proceeded to use every weapon he had available to him to shoot at Rogers, although he was still unable to get a clean shot as Rogers continued using his shield to defend himself before fighting the Winter Soldier to hand to hand. The Winter Soldier briefly managed to get his hands onto Captain America's Shield, which he had proceeded to launch at Rogers before their fight then continued, with the Shield becoming embedded in the side of a nearby van.

While they fought, Steve did everything he could to defend himself while the Winter Soldier drew a blade and then furiously attempted to slash at him in an attempt to kill him, however, both had quickly proved themselves almost equally matched as neither could land a final hit against the other. As the fight continued, Rogers managed to get some defensive blows in against his enemy before kicking him into a nearby parked van and attempting to finish the fight.

The pair were forced to resort to hand to hand combat as the Winter Soldier had struck back against Captain America, managing to avoid being slammed to the ground before using his Bionic Arm to attempt to strangle the Captain before then launching him across a car. Once Captain America was briefly defenseless on the floor, Winter Soldier attempted to finish the job by striking a hard blow but he missed and instead cracked the concrete as Rogers moved out of the way.

Rogers found that the longer the fight went on, the more aggressive Winter Soldier became as he was seemingly incapable of allowing his target to live. As the Winter Soldier continued striking Rogers, he drew another knife before pinning him against a nearby van and using his Bionic Arm to give him even more strength, Winter Soldier plunged the knife into the van and tore through the metal, as Rogers avoided the blade and then threw the Winter Soldier off him.

While the Winter Soldier was getting back onto his feet, Steve was able to reclaim his shield, which was still embedded in the nearby van, as he blocked all of the Winter Soldier's continued strikes with his knife. Despite the Winter Soldier continuing to become more enraged by the fight, Rogers was still able to dodge one blow and proceeded to embed his shield into the Winter Soldier's Bionic Arm, causing serious damage and giving Rogers a clear advantage.

Eventually, Steve had managed to throw the Winter Soldier over his should which had resulted in his mask being ripped from his face, revealing that he was Bucky Barnes. When a horrified Steve Rogers said his name, Winter Soldier said he did not know who that was before attempting to shoot him again until Falcon kicked him over from mid-air and Black Widow drove him off with the grenade launcher which he had dropped earlier, leaving Rogers still utterly horrified.

While Steve was still distracted by the revelation, they were then surrounded by Brock Rumlow and his S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Steve, Natasha, and Sam were then arrested by all of Rumlow's men, with Jack Rollins keeping his gun trained on Rogers' skull despite Rumlow ordering him not to kill Rogers there as there were too many cameras. Rogers did not resist as he questioned how Barnes had survived since World War II and was now the Winter Soldier.

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