S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent: Getting Advice

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Disillusioned by Director Nick Fury's new attitude to world safety, Rogers revisited his past by visiting the Captain America division of the Smithsonian Institution. There, he saw videos of his time in World War II with all of the Howling Commandos fighting against Red Skull. When a young boy recognized him, Rogers smiled and asked him to keep quiet, which the amazed boy agreed to do.

Steve found a memorial for Bucky Barnes, which presented him as Steve's friend and the only member of the Howling Commandos to lose his life in the fight against HYDRA. Rogers then watched an interview with Peggy Carter where she discussed her relationship with Rogers and how he changed her life even after she believed him to have been killed in action, telling the story of when he had saved over 1000 men, including the man who became her husband.

Steve went to see Peggy in her retirement home, now aged past ninety years. They discussed the changing world, and Rogers told her that the reason he stayed at S.H.I.E.L.D. was partly because she helped found it. He went on to say that he had hoped that now serving with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers would help him find his place in the new world, but it just was not the same or as simple as it was during World War II, with Peggy then laughing that Rogers was always over dramatic about this sort of thing.

Peggy told Steve that while he had saved the world, she and others had mucked it up while he had been gone. When Peggy began to cough, Steve handed her a glass of water; she looked up and appeared to have forgotten their entire conversation and reacted like she was seeing Rogers for the first time in seventy years. Peggy had developed a form of dementia. Rogers smiled and told her that he could never leave his best girl while she owed him a dance.

Seeking some new advice, Steve decided to visit the Department of Veterans Affairs to listen to Sam Wilson talk to soldiers who were suffering from Post-traumatic stress disorder. He found himself feeling at home around other United States Armed Forces soldiers as he listened to their stories about how they had come home to have a feeling of being out of place while Sam offered them all whatever advice he could to try and help them move forward.

He spoke to Sam after the meeting as they discussed what they were going through as former soldiers, with Sam explaining that his friend and partner Riley was killed in action. When Wilson questioned if Rogers was considering retiring, Rogers told him that he had no idea what else to do with his life other than obey orders and serve. Wilson joked he could be the Ultimate Fighter before he told him he could do whatever it was that he wanted to do.

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