Ultron Offensive: Avengers Argument

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As the team regrouped following the Attack on Avengers Tower, they discussed what had occurred, as Bruce Banner explained that Ultron had cleared out their computer files before escaping through the internet. When James Rhodes discussed the fear of Ultron getting into the nuclear codes, it was mentioned that Ultron had claimed to have killed somebody, although they still did not know who.

However Tony Stark revealed that J.A.R.V.I.S. was the one that Ultron killed, as Rogers noted that J.A.R.V.I.S. was Ultron first threat to be destroyed. Stark admitted his own involvement in Ultron's creation; although he still strongly defended the idea as he had believed it was a beneficial plan to save the entire world. Thor, furious at all Stark's recklessness which caused Loki's Scepter to be lost, stepped in and grabbed Stark by the throat until Rogers had calmed him down.

Thor had confirmed that he had lost track of the Drone and Scepter's location before Helen Cho questioned by Ultron was trying to kill him as Rogers watch Stark trying to defend his actions, with Rogers then comparing Stark's actions with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s. Tony explained there was a War coming, and not just the one against Ultron but another one coming that they were not ready for, but Rogers had insisted that they would fight and die together as a team regardless.

As the hunt for Ultron continued, Steve spoke to Maria Hill shortly afterward and was told that Ultron's attempts to launch the nuclear missiles had been stopped by a mysterious ally. Steve was also informed about the survivors of Ultron's attacks were suffering from visions from their past and had claimed to have also encountered something faster than they could see, realizing that Ultron had allied himself with Wanda and Pietro Maximoff to build up his strength.

The team had later learned that Ultron had sent a message directly to them by brutally murdering Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, the former leader of HYDRA while he was still locked inside of his prison cell, leaving the word "PEACE" written with Strucker's blood on the walls. Rogers collected Clint Barton to hear the new update while Clint had claimed to have been talking to his girlfriend on the phone before coming to join the rest of the Avengers in their discussion.

The Avengers soon learned that Ultron had wiped out their computer files on Baron Strucker to ensure that they had no leads on where to track him next. Together, they then went through all of their former paperwork from S.H.I.E.L.D. and had eventually discovered that Ultron would likely be going after the vibranium which he would get from Ulysses Klaue, who was in Johannesburg, who Stark previously had met, as the Avengers then departed to find Ultron.

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