S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent: Project Insight

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Reporting back to Director Nick Fury at the Triskelion, Rogers then expressed his anger with Fury for lying to him. Rogers claimed that Fury's plan to give Black Widow a secret plan endangered the entire mission, noting that his own team should be able to trust each other. Fury argued that he had sent in Captain America purely so that this did not happen and that the last time he trusted someone he lost an eye. Eventually he promised Rogers that he would now be more honest with him.

Fury then took him to the facility's sub-levels, along the way he told Rogers the story of how his own Grandfather used to carry a large gun with him at all times in order to ensure he was never mugged for his lunch. Fury told Rogers that they had something bigger than his Grandfather's gun as he showed him the new Helicarriers were being constructed in the hanker with brand new technology and weapons designed by Tony Stark to make them more advanced.

Introducing Rogers to Project Insight, Fury explained that S.H.I.E.L.D. now planned to use the Helicarriers to fight threats against America before they even happened. Rogers was discontent with this, finding S.H.I.E.L.D.'s newest methods to be too extreme. When Fury noted what Rogers' generation did during World War II, Rogers insisted this was not the same, claiming Fury was spreading fear and not freedom. When Fury insisted Rogers get behind the program, Rogers refused.

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