War on HYDRA: Return to Base

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With the mission a success and HYDRA officially defeated, Rogers with the other Avengers flew back on the Quinjet, with Rogers still checking in while Clint Barton and Bruce Banner recovered from their experiences during the battle. Along the way, Rogers and his own allies had observed the Scepter and commented on their victory over HYDRA.

Pleased to have finally ended their search for Loki's Scepter while also having a major victory over HYDRA, Tony Stark then requested to Thor that he be allowed to keep the Scepter under observation for a few days to study it before it was returned to Asgard, also noting they should have a party to celebrate their victory. Thor then agreed to keep the Scepter on Earth, and Rogers also agreed that a party to celebrate the successful defeat of HYDRA was a good idea.

Once they had arrived back at the Avengers Tower, the team was greeted by Maria Hill. While Helen Cho took Barton away to receive treatment following his injury, Hill briefed Rogers on the twins they had all encountered, who had been identified as Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. She explained their poverty while living in Sokovia and how they lost their parents, which had led to them both volunteering for Baron Wolfgang von Strucker's enhancement experiments.

When Hill called the Maximoff's decision to be experimented on by Strucker insane, Rogers expressed his understanding of the twins' decision, comparing his own decision to allow a German scientist to experiment on him, referring to Abraham Erskine's Project Rebirth. When Hill noted that they were not fighting in World War II like he was in the 1940s, Rogers argued that from the Maximoff's point of view, they were still in their own war before heading downstairs.

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