HYDRA Uprising: Sam Wilson's Help

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Having managed to get away from Camp Lehigh's destruction just in time, Steve and Natasha then went to seek refuge. With just a few people they felt they could trust left, Rogers brought them to the home of Sam Wilson. Not wasting any time, Steve apologized to him and explained that they were looking for somewhere to hide out, before Natasha noted that everyone they knew was trying to kill them, before Sam allowed them to come in.

As they got cleaned up, Steve spoke to Natasha and asked if she was okay following what they had learned about S.H.I.E.L.D. and all that had been going on behind the scenes. Natasha noted how she had thought she was fighting the good fight by joining S.H.I.E.L.D., but now felt she had just traded the KGB for HYDRA, commenting on how she had now struggled to understand who exactly she had been lying for and whether she had been fighting for the wrong side.

Romanoff noted how Rogers had saved her life and questioned if it had been the other way around, would Rogers have ever trusted Romanoff to save his life, to which he answered that he felt he could following this conversation. Lightening the mood, Natasha joked that Steve seemed chipper for the man who just recently learnt he had died for nothing following World War II's conclusion before they were then interrupted by Sam inviting them to breakfast.

Sitting down to discuss the situation, they agreed that the air-strike would have been ordered by Alexander Pierce, and they would have to find a high-ranking S.H.I.E.L.D./HYDRA agent to learn more. As they noted that Jasper Sitwell was also clearly involved with Pierce's operations, Sam told them that he was part of the military project called EXO-7 Falcon, testing of a new form of winged Jet-Packs and agreed to help Captain America in whatever way he could.

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