War on HYDRA: Victory Celebration

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Rogers joined the Avengers, plus Sam Wilson and James Rhodes, at a party in Avengers Tower to celebrate their victory over HYDRA. Rogers and Wilson discussed working together and their continued search for Bucky Barnes. When Rogers suggested Wilson could join the Avengers, Sam claimed not to be interested in joining. They went on to discuss Rogers finding himself a house in Brooklyn.

Later, Rogers and Thor drank thousand-year-old alcohol from Asgard with a group of World War II veterans. Although Thor deemed only himself and the Super-Soldier Steve Rogers to be strong enough to drink the powerful alcohol, one of the Veterans insisted upon having a drink of the Asgardian alcohol. Thor relented with Steve's nod of approval which resulted in the man having to be carried away from Avengers Tower for instantaneously becoming too drunk.

While the party had still continued, Rogers went to the bar and came across Bruce Banner speaking to Natasha Romanoff, with Romanoff clearly flirting with the nervous Banner. When Natasha left, Steve spoke to Bruce, telling him that Natasha was clearly attracted to him and noting how Romanoff was usually much more closed off but seemed highly relaxed around him, although Banner had still insisted that Romanoff was merely enjoying have a flirt with him.

Rogers insisted that as he knew what it was like to leave a love too long, and therefore Banner should not let the chance for a happy life go past, noting that he had been flirted with by Romanoff in the past while they worked as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and the way she spoke to Banner was more than mere flirting. As Rogers walked away, Banner pondered this before questioning exactly what Rogers meant when he had claimed that Romanoff had flirted with him in the past.

Once most of the guests had finally returned home from the party, the group, joined by Helen Cho, took turns attempting to lift Mjølnir. Leading the attempts was Clint Barton who was the first to try and when he failed, both Tony Stark and James Rhodes tried using Iron Man Gauntlets but still failed to even make the hammer move an inch, much to the great amusement of Thor who continued pushing the other Avengers to try out their luck during their game.

When Steve Rogers finally stepped up and attempted to lift Mjølnir, he was able to briefly nudge the hammer, much to Thor's surprise, but in the end, was still unsuccessful. Ultimately, Tony Stark had suggested that the hammer was actually imprinted with Thor's fingerprints and was not enchanted by Odin with Asgardian Magic as Thor claimed, but Thor simply insisted that none of them were worthy enough, causing all the others to mockingly boo him for his egotistical claims. Unknown to Thor, Steve was actually worthy of Mjølnir from that point onwards upon touching the hammer, but choose to not lift it to be polite as that would have made Thor feel "less special".

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