Disappearance: Readjusting to Life

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Rogers found himself lost in a world that had moved on without him and found it difficult to adjust to his new surroundings considering where he had left his life during World War II. He spent a few weeks inside seclusion at the Retreat that was one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s many Safe Houses. He then moved into an apartment in New York City. While there, Rogers looked through some files of his friends from the 1940s. He eventually found the file for Peggy Carter, which stated she was still alive.

The file also contained her current phone number, but he hesitated to call because he was afraid of how Peggy would react to seeing him after so many decades assuming he was dead. Later, he went to a nearby diner in New York and met Beth, a waitress who asked if he had sat outside Stark Tower in the hope of seeing Tony Stark fly by as Iron Man. When Beth noted they had wireless, Rogers mistakenly thought she meant radio, while a man encouraged him to ask for her number, but Rogers did not. He then went to a boxing gym.

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