Ultron Offensive: Escape to the Retreat

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When the team had arrived at Clint Barton's Homestead where they intended to recover from their ordeals, they discovered, much to their great surprise that Clint Barton was in fact married with two children and one more on the way. While Steve apologized to coming to their home unexpectedly, Clint had explained that the reason the team had been unaware of his family was due to Director Nick Fury helping him to have this second peaceful life outside of S.H.I.E.L.D. where his family could be safe from any of his enemies.

Once introductions had been made, Thor informed the team that he intended to try and learn more about the vision he had been given which had showed him the possible Destruction of Asgard as well as images of the Infinity Stones. While Steve had stepped out with him, Thor then immediately left the farm to look for the answers he needed, while Rogers stood outside of the doorway, haunted by the idea of a peaceful life with a family which he could never have.

Attempting to relax, Steve and Tony Stark went outside together and chopped wood. They discussed how Wanda Maximoff had been able to use her powers to pull their team apart with ease, although Tony questioned why Steve had seemed less affected. When the conversation moved onto how Stark and Bruce Banner inadvertently creating Ultron, they began to argue and debate whether or not Tony should have experimented on the Scepter, causing the disaster.

Stark argued that he and Banner were doing research into Ultron with the intention of ending the need for the Avengers, still insisting that the Ultron Program was originally designed to protect the Earth. As the argument became more intense, Rogers ripped a log in half with his bare hands before he then told Tont that trying to end wars before they start results in the deaths of innocent people. They were then interrupted by Laura Barton who asked for Tony's help.

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