Ultron Offensive: Battle of Seoul

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The team tracked down Ultron at Helen Cho's own Facility within the city of Seoul, where Ultron was still attempting to complete his plans to build himself a new body using the vibranium which he had previously taken from Ulysses Klaue. Having been dropped off from the Quinjet, Rogers ordered his teammates to stay close while he personally investigated.

When Rogers entered the lab, he soon found Cho lying injured on the floor after being shot by Ultron. Cho then explained to him that the being inside the Cradle had a Powerful Gem on its head, which could not be destroyed without then creating a massive explosion which could destroy all of Seoul. Cho then recommended that they recover the body and bring it to Tony Stark, so Captain America then went to find and capture the being before Ultron could then escape.

Having warned all of the Avengers of this potential danger, Captain America was informed by Hawkeye of Ultron's current location with the Cradle beside him. As Ultron attempted to escape in the truck, Captain America engaged him and they began an intense battle in with Ultron furiously fired his concussion beams at Rogers and had demanded that he leave him alone, although Steve still managed to remain on top of the truck despite all of Ultron's best efforts.

Ultron then flew up and personally confronted Captain America while insisting that the being in the Cradle could create real change which was the Avengers' nightmare. Noting that Ultron's concept was not exactly a comfort for him, Captain America then engaged him and repeatedly threw his shield at Ultron, even managing to embed it in Ultron's chest, but the robot was able to knock it away and shot at him once again, almost knocking him off the truck.

As Ultron gained the upper hand in their fight due to the robot's own immense strength and durability, he soon began to strangle Captain America until Natasha Romanoff caught up with them while on her Motorbike and threw Steve his shield back which he used to knock Ultron's hand back before continuing to battle the robot. To assist him in the battle, the Quinjet being flown by Hawkeye had fired down a hail of bullets upon Ultron in order to briefly distract him.

As they continued their clash on top of the moving truck, Ultron sent several of his Sentries after Hawkeye while trying to destroy Captain America. Eventually, both Captain America and Ultron were thrown onto a train and continued their fight, with Black Widow asking Captain America to keep Ultron distracted. However, he was helped by Pietro and Wanda Maximoff who had betrayed Ultron after learning Ultron's schemes to eradicate all human life and could no longer be a part it.

Seeing that he was outnumbered by both Captain America and the Maximoffs, who knocked Ultron off Rogers and trapped him with steel beams, Ultron responded by destroying the controls of the train and escaped before they could stop him. Upon seeing this, Captain America ordered the Maximoffs to assist him in finding a way to stop the train; he then sent Quicksilver to move all of the people out of the way while Scarlet Witch used her powers to stop the train.

Standing in the front of the train, Captain America had watched as Quicksilver saved several lives while Scarlet Witch used her powers to trap the train's wheels. Although he had to use his Shield to deflect some debris, eventually, the train was stopped. By the end of the battle and have saved hundreds of lives from the train crash, the Avengers took control of the Cradle with the being still inside it, but Black Widow was taken prisoner by Ultron during the chaos of the battle.

Although he was still somewhat wary of the pair considering their history with HYDRA's leader Baron Wolfgang von Strucker before joining Ultron, Rogers still recruited the Maximoffs as new members of the Avengers, seeing their willingness to stop Ultron's plans. First, however, Rogers had confronted the Maximoff twins about their own recent actions while working alongside Ultron and nearly killing the Avengers on several different occasions.

Before they left, Rogers spoke to Wanda Maximoff, who expressed her fears of Tony Stark getting possession of Ultron's new body, as she began making the comparisons between the warmongering A.I. and Stark as they both intended to save the world but could not see that they were destroying it. Despite not believing that Tony was a man capable of any of the same kind of actions that Wanda was suggesting, her words did still make him consider the risks.

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