S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent: Loss of Nick Fury

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Riding his Motorcycle back towards his apartment building late in the evening, Rogers parked it and then went upstairs towards his own apartment to rest, still considering both of his recent talks with Peggy Carter and Sam Wilson and his place within S.H.I.E.L.D. in the wake of learning of the new Project Insight and his strong disagreements about the moral implications of possibly supporting such a Project, still believing that it's use of preemptive targeting now promoted fear for the United States of America rather than freedom.

Once back inside the building, Steve had a brief talk with his own neighbor about how her work as a nurse was going, even building up the courage to then ask her out on a date by offering to let her use his washing machine in exchange for having a cup of coffee with him, which she said she however could not do, much to Rogers' disappointment. However, he got suspicious when she told him that she had heard his stereo playing, which he had turned off.

He sneaks in through the window and finds Nick Fury sitting in his couch. Fury claimed to Rogers that his wife kicked him out, however when Rogers turned on the light, he saw that Fury was covered in cuts and bruises and the latter reveals on his phone that they might be overheard by someone as enemies were listening in, telling Rogers that only his friends knew the truth about him. Without warning, Fury was shot several times in his back through the wall, falling down into Rogers' arms.

With the remaining strength he had, Fury gave the Lemurian Star flash drive to him and then told him not to trust anyone before falling unconscious. While Rogers pulled Fury out of the way and behind cover, his neighbor then smashed in the door, armed with a gun and revealing herself to be Agent 13, hired by Fury to keep an eye on Rogers. Agent 13 called for medical assistance and explained the situation to S.H.I.E.L.D. while desperately trying to save Fury.

Rogers spotted the assassin attempting to make his getaway, so Steve grabbed his shield and went in pursuit, leaping from his apartment window into the building across the street and leaving Agent 13 to take care of Fury. Rogers smashed his way through various office doors and was still barely able to keep up with the incredibly fast assassin. Using all of his strength, Rogers kept just behind the assassin until he saw a chance to confront him.

He eventually caught up and threw his shield at the assassin, but the masked man easily caught the shield with his cybernetic arm. Rogers was amazed that Winter Soldier was able to do this as the two enemies locked eyes with each other before the assassin threw the shield back at Rogers with some considerable force. Rogers was so stunned that he paused for just a moment, allowing the assassin to escape as Rogers looked out over the city for him.

Fury was taken to a hospital where Steve rejoined him and watched the operation with Natasha Romanoff by his side. They watched together in horror as it was reported that Fury's heart had stopped. Steve and Natasha were joined by Maria Hill and other Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as the doctors operated, but were unable to revive him and Doctor Fine pronounced him dead. Fury was taken away and Hill asked to take care of the body. Romanoff began to question Rogers about the identity of the shooter, predicting that the bullets used were Russian upon hearing about his incredible speed and robotic arm, indicating she knew who the assassin was.

Upon being questioned about why Fury was inside his apartment by ROmanoff, Rogers feigned ignorance about why Fury went to him. Before they could continue the discussion, Agent Brock Rumlow told the Captain that he was wanted for a hearing at the Triskelion with Alexander Pierce to discuss what had happened. Romanoff told Rogers that he was a terrible liar, he then used this quiet moment to hide the USB Fury had given him in a vending machine.

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