Twenty-Three. Everything has a price

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When you feel hurt, i feel one hundred more hurt than you are. So please..

-5 years already have passed-

"Yeonjun...yeonjun.. where are you?" Jimin ask around and running while looking for Yeonjun, "Soobin, help me to find him" Jimin asked Soobin who help Jimin to search Yeonjun. Soobin is 6 years old right now, he is a tall boy like his father, Namjoon and smart as him as well. Soobin just nod when Jimin asked him and run to another side. He looks around and going inside to pack's warehouse. He slowly walk to food storage inside the warehouse, "sst..Yeonjun, Jimin is running to otherside" and there he is, little Yeonjun, hugging his knees, he has watery eyes, and little sobs. Soobin hugs him, "It's okay.. it's okay.. my father and my mother always scold me, especially my mother" he remember everytime Jin nagging him. "Your father love you. But my father hate me. It's different" Yeonjun said as cried again. Soobin just hugs him. Yeonjun is 5 year old, so Soobin already feel like he is his little brother, and Soobin love Yeonjun so much, since they are young, they can't be separated. Soobin know so well what Yeonjun mean. Yeonjun's father is a cold one, even sometimes Soobin felt sacred around him, The Great Alpha.
"Your father love you Yeonjun,.. it is true"
Jimin suddenly came to both little boys and sigh, he sits near the boys. "No! Father love mother much more than me!" Yeonjun yell as cried harder. Jimin just sigh, "He love you so much,... Your father, he just.... he just afraid something worst will happened again" Jimin smile to Yeonjun and rubbing Yeonjun's head..

-Flashback to 5 year ago-

"Tae? Tae-baby?"
Jungkook look to his love, and tried to wake him up. He feels Tae's body feels light, Jungkook doesn't realised he is crying right now, "N-no... no baby.. NO! TAEHYUNG! NOOO!!" Jungkook hold Taehyung, and kiss him deeply. He tried to give his energy once more. Everyone in the room being silent, Jin sobs while hold his tears but he can't hold seeing his little brother kissing his lover desperately, Jimin fell down in floor and cried while saying, "No.. Taehyung..." Suga hugs him and tear also came from his eyes. Hoseok hold Tae's baby and go out from the room, his hands trembling and he saw Namjoon who waiting for the news. He saw Hoseok first hugging a baby, he smile widely, but seeing Hoseok face, and the situation inside the room, he can't hold his tears, "No.. my little brother.. no,." Hoseok cried silently while hugging Taehyung's baby, he will be named Yeonjun.
While everyone grieving, only Jungkook who still tried kissing Taehyung, he tried to give him the energy. Jin looks to his brother, "Jungkook-ah, just let him go...", and held Jungkook shoulder, but Jungkook said as loud, "NO, i can feel it!!! I give him my energy!! He will came back to me!!!" and he continue to kissing him again. Jin just look to his little brother, Namjoon from behind hugs Jin and said, "Let him be...." Namjoon then ask Jin and everyone else left the room, and let Jungkook alone. Outside the room, Jimin still crying in Suga's arm, Jin hold Yeonjun in his arm, "This baby is crying first, but when he heard his father scream, he just being silent" Hoseok said as standing beside Jin, looking at Yeonjun. "I just hope, Jungkook be nice to him, he must love his child" Jin said as touch Yeonjun's lips and smile. "Hoseok,.... i feel something happened, please find me the note or history about The True Omega whose give birth, there is who alive? And how? Please find me the detail, i think... Jungkook know something..." Namjoon said as looking to Hoseok.

It is already three days, since Yeonjun's birth. Jungkook still kissing Taehyung, he still give his energy, sometimes he stop just a minute to drink some special drink that Jin made. And he continue giving his energy to Taehyung. Jimin look after Yeonjun, sometimes he  tried to bring Yeonjun near Jungkook, but he ignored him, Jungkook just concentrate to give Taehyung energy. Hoseok find some evidence there is The True Omega who survived from birth process but there is a note that he/she finally died after trying to survive after days pass. The note said just died because lack of energy. But Namjoon still feel something missing, he asked Hoseok, "Do you check on Taehyung, i mean do you really confirmed he is... he is dead?" Hoseok said, "Jungkook doesn't let me confirmed it. But i tried to find the pulse in his hand secretly and i can't find it. I don't know its too weak or already long gone"

Protect you  (Taekook) - Completed -Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora