Thirteen. My love, my only one

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I knew, when my heart is beating, it is beating for you. Only for you.

Taehyung cup Jungkook's face with both his hands. Jungkook smile while his eyes still close. He stayed up late because he watch over his love, he felt so scared that his love will not wake up again, but seeing how Taehyung breathing like usually, he felt relax and drift to sleep. "Wake up..... i am hungry" Tae said with cute pout. And Jungkook open his eyes with smile because looking his mate's face that so cute, he kiss Tae softly and get up. But, a hand grip his hand prevent him to standing up, Taetae just grips his hand, "Why my love?" Tae just looks down, so Jungkook gently lift his head, "Just tell me.." Taehyung looks his mate with watering eyes and blush cheeks, "My feets..... i can't move them freely, seems like jelly... sorry" he mumble and look down again. Jungkook held his chin and kiss again and hug him, "What are you sorry for... it's okay and normal.. don't worry, because you sleep for a long time, it became stiff, it's okay, i can hold you.." Jungkook said as soothing his back. "But... we will naked... in the bathroom.. and...." Taehyung said again, blush hard this time. Jungkook chuckles," So? We are mate, aren't we? I already see you naked.. so what's the problem?" Jungkook said with cocky face, smile wide to his love. "Kookie!!" Taehyung hit Jungkook chest, "It totally matter for me, how about my body isn't good again because i sleep so long? How if---" Jungkook kiss Taehyung deeply, and with little suck in Tae's lower lips, Jungkook's tongue came in hot cavern of Taehyung. Taehyung moans to Jungkook's action, feeling the tongue inside his mouth. Jungkook kiss Taehyung hard and end it with kiss and bite Taehyung neck, and this make Taehyung moans hard. Jungkook continue to kiss Taehyung's neck. "Koo----kiee" Taehyung can't think clearly, it's too much for him after a long sleep. Jungkook looks at his mate and see him so werck, he smile widely. Actually, he want to making love with Taehyung right now, seeing TaeTae so wreck make him hard, but he reminds himself, he just wake up and still in his recovering state. So Jungkook just smile and kiss his love, and lift Taehyung in princess style. "I will help you bath, don't worry, i will not be naughty, you still need be healthy first, buuttt... when it's time, be ready, my body already miss you so much, babe" Jungkook kiss Tae nose as lift him to their bathroom. Tae blushed so hard.

"Jooniie..." Jin asked his husband while hugging from behind. Namjoon smile and hug back his lovely hubby. "What is it my Jinnie?" Jin smile with the nickname, "I don't feel good, my stomach feel so heavy, maybe i can't show up in dining room, my back is so hurt, sorry.." Jin said with worry face in his face. "Not feel good why, must i ask Hoseok to come here? Dont be sorry, i will ask our maid to bring the breakfast to here, just relax and sit, i dont want anything wrong to my lovely husband and our child" Namjoon said as hug and kiss Jin's forehead. "It's okay, just feel so heavy and want to sleep or sit for a long time" Jin smile to his husband. "Okay, sit here and relax my dear, i will call our maid to bring you food, i will eat fast and comeback here to soothe you, okay?" Namjoon smile with his dimple and hug his husband, not forget to kiss his husband's baby bump.

Taehyung said with shy smile and hide his face in Jungkooks chest. Everyone were so shock seeing Taehyun awake, "Taehyung!!" Jimin run to him and hug him, "Be carefull! He still can't stand up properly" Jungkook hold his mate who almost fell because the hug, Namjoon come and hug his little brother so hard, his eyes is watering, "Don't cry Namjoonie, my brother is not a crybaby" Taehyung said with smile, "I am fine" Namjoon sees his little brother and nod. Hoseok and Suga hugs him too. And as a doctor, Hoseok checks his condition again, "I am totally fine Hoseokie hyung, i just need a lot of walking so my feets became strong again" Taehyung gives him the reaasuring smile. "Okaayyy everyone, let us eat and let my love to eat" Jungkook said as take his mate to the chair next to him. As everybody sit, Taehyung look around and asks, "Joonie hyung, where is Jinnie hyung?" "He takes a rest in our room, he said he felt uncomfortable and heavy, so he eats in his room" Namjoon said with smile. "Uhm, okiee, can't i meet him Hyung?" Taehyung really miss his brother in law. "Yes of course" "Yeayyy! I and Jimin will go to meet him, right Jiminie?" Taehyung just ask bluntly to Jimin, and Jimin just smile widely,  " Of course Taetae".
After the happy atmosfer breakfast, Jungkook hug his mate before go to work with Suga and Namjoon, "Be carefull and always with Jimin, and please dont use your power to anything happen, if anything happen, just don't use it, okay? Promise me please" Jungkook said with concern tone in his words. Taehyung kiss his mate, "Don't worry my love, i will be with Hoseokie too, so dont worry"

"Namjoon, i will check Jin, i think his birth date is near, so he felt so uncomfortable, if his due date is near, please stop working and take care Jin till the due date, the Omega need his Alpha when birth is coming" Hoseok said with serious look in his face. "I will, promise, but..." Namjoon think about his pack, and they are still in red alert from the last accident. "I will cover you up, don't worry, i will finish your job, because this case is involved my mate as well and i will protect our pack with Suga, so dont worry, i will always give you report and ask if there is somethinh i dont understand" Jungkook said with smile. Namjoon can't be proud again with his brother in law, "Yes Jungkook, i trusted it to you" he smile.

Jin is a strong Omega, that's what Taehyung thought when looking to baby bump of Jin, sooo bigg.. "Hyung, is it hurt? Heavy? Are you okay?" Taehyung ask with concern look in his face. Jin smile widely, "Yes, it is heavy, yes my back is hurt a lot, but looking this bump make me happy..Inside my body, there is a love of me and Joonie" Jin said as stroking his belly. Jimin and Tae looks so happy hearing the explanation, "Hyung.. i really want that feeling too" Jimin said as stroking Jin's belly. "You will Jiminie.. just ask Suga" Jin winked to Jimin and make Jimin blushed. "I want to..." Taehyung said as looking Jin's belly, "I want to touch your belly, but Kookie said.....hhhhh, sorry Hyung.." Tae looks down. Jin hold Taehyung hand, "Don't be sad, what Jungkook told you is true, last time you hold my belly, you are unconscious, that's make us really scared. You are still not healthy enough, it's okay Taetae.. You stay beside me like this, make me happy" Jin give his best smile to Taehyung. Taehyung smile back widely.
"Okay, Jin, i want to check you pregnancy, can you sit up? Maybe Jimin or Taehyung can help you to sit?" Hoseok said. Jin just nod and Taehyung help Jin to sit. While examine his belly, Hoseok just nod and nod. "Okay, Jin, i think you due date is near, so you need your Alpha to make you relax and minimize the hurt feeling, i will tell Namjoon about this." Hoseok said as go to Namjoon's office.
"Nervous?" Jimin asked Jin, "Very" Jin said as bite his lips. "Don't be Hyung, relax, you are a strong Omega, it will be okay" Taehyung said as held Jin's hand.

Writing really make me relax, i can write fast this time because i want to relax and imagine things. And it work. By the way, thank's a lot for all my reader. I will keep up to this story so you all can enjoy. 💜💜💜💜
BTS Teaser 1 is out!!!

The interacting between Halsey and Taehyung is cute, like both of them judge their apperance

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The interacting between Halsey and Taehyung is cute, like both of them judge their apperance. 🤣🤣
Can't wait the MV comeout!

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