Twenty-Two. Your touch, your feeling

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Being with you, always my purpose of life, and my everyday dreams..

"Taehyung!" Jungkook stands up quickly and start running from his office to Taehyung's room. He feels it, his heart suddenly hurt and he has difficult to breath,. No, its not him, he can feel it, its Taehyung!
After Hoseok explains, how the history told him to help Taehyung, Jungkook is a very protective man, he always near Taehyung, no matter what. Even, he moves his office from Namjoon's house to his own house.
"Taehyung!", Jungkook found Taehyung in their bed clench his chest and trying to breath, his eyes have tears, maybe from his pain because trying to breath, "Oh no baby... its okay its okay.. you are gonna be okay, i got you.. i got you my Taehyung, my love" Jungkook hugs Taehyung, and kiss Taehyung's forehead while whispering some sweet words. Jungkook also try to rubbing Tae's bump which now looks so big, and trying to touch skin to skin from his hand to Taehyung's skin. He wants to transfer his energy, slowly. After weeks, and with Hoseok's helping, now Jungkook can easily control to transfer his energy to Taehyung. So, it made Taehyung less pale and less hurt, just like now. After hugging Jungkook, and he can feel Jungkook's energy going through his skin from his baby bump, Taehyung slowly can breath normal again and feel less hurt in his heart. Suddenly he feels sleepy, and his eyes so heavy, but exactly before he start to sleep, he said, "Thank you Kookie.. i love you" and Jungkook just smile while still hugging him.

"Jimin.. i believe Taehyung is a strong one, he will survive, he must to" Suga said to his mate, while soothing him in his back. Jimin has been none stop crying if he remember Taehyung's words. He must act strong and nothing happened in front of Taehyung, but he saw by himself, Taehyung start to look more weak. And he hates that. He loves Taehyung so much because since Taehyung was a kid, he is the one who always protect him and play with him, until Taehyung fall in love with Jungkook and now they got in this situation, he still love him so much. He can't bear if Taehyung leave him. "Jungkook will also do his best, they will be fine" Suga now hug his mate, "if you in the same situation like Taehyung right now, maybe i will go crazy because the worried feeling, but i will also do the best to make sure, you are okay" Jimin looks to his mate's eyes and smile, "You are right" and kiss his mate. Suga kiss him back, "I love you so much baby, please don't cry anymore"

Everyone in hectic situation now, only a month to go for Taehyung's due date. Taehyung no longer can walk by his own, his bump is so big, it make him can't see his own foot, also make him hard to even sit up by himself or walk straight. Taehyung feels more sleepy and easy to feel tired. But he always happy if he feel his baby moving or squirming in his bump or feel the kicks. It hurt but happy hurt. He always tries to tell Jungkook if their baby kick or moving, and he feel the happiest feeling if he see the biggest smile in Jungkook's face if he also felt the kick. He also never complain if his hyungs and of course Jungkook, make him to finish his food, he always try to link Jungkook if he feels something not right with him. He knows this birth's situation is a big problem, and he doesn't want to make worried his hyungs especially Jungkook anymore. Jungkook always give him energy everyday either just by his touch or with a kiss or hug, but mostly by kissing him. And he love it, but also make him worried, sometimes he can see Jungkook'a face became pale and not healthy, "Kookie.. please take a break, i will be okay, you look so tired" Taehyung tried to touch his face to give him some energy back, but Jungkook hold Taehyung's hand softly and smile, "It's okay love.. you need it the most, i will eat now to regain my energy back, don't you worry". Taehyung just nod and hug back his mate.
Jungkook never feel a fear like this before, everytime Taehyung sleep, he looks so pale and not healthy, he just worried Taehyung never woke up, never open his eyes. He looks Tae's baby bump, and rub it gently, "My child, i know you are strong, and i love you already, but don't hurt your mom, you love him right? We both love him, we both need him, please.. just please don't hurt him" Jungkook still rub the bump gently, and suddenly he feels a gentle kick in his hand. Jungkook just smile, "Thank you my child, i love you" and he kiss the bump.

'K-k-kookie-e' ...
A faint small voice link in Jungkook mind suddenly, Jungkook stand up, and in a same time Jimin open his office's door with sweat and worried face, "Jungkook, Taehyung..." No need for other words, he run to Taehyung's room. There are already Jin-hyung who tries to wipe out the sweat from the Taehyung's face, and Hoseok who tried to prepare the position of Taehyung's leg, and there is Suga who help Hoseok with his medical equipment, "Jimin! bring the warm water, we need it the most" Hoseok scream to Jimin, and Jimin just run to bathroom looking for the water. And there is, Taehyung, with pale and face full of pain, "Jungkook, go to his side, he need you the most", Namjoon just tap Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook is in lost mind, he can't stand looking this situation, but he knows Taehyung need him the most. He sit beside Taehyung and hold his hands. Taehyung is looking to him, "K-kookie.. h-hurts", and hold Jungkook's hand tighter. "I know baby.. be strong, i will always here" Jungkook can feel his body is hurt everwhere, 'Is this how Taehyung feel?'
"Bring me towel, the blood must be stop!" Hoseok shout to anyone, Suga with fast grab the towel. Jungkook can't think anymore, looking how much blood came from Taehyung body, and he can feel the grip from Taehyung's hand loosen, "Tae-baby, be strong!" Jungkook give his power from his hand to Taehyung. Taehyung felt his energy start to fade out as his baby came out little by little, he start to hard to focus and the pain is unbearable. "The baby is out, only a little bit Tae, hang on!!" Hoseok shout from below, Taehyung still try to push and try not to collapse from the tiredness and pain. But, he knew it, he can't go on, after his baby came out fully, his energy is gone and also his life-energy. This is his final push, Taehyung knew it, the pain still there, he hold it while looking to his side, his love, Jungkook, "K-kookie...i-i love you-u.. urgg..p-please l-love our child" Taehyung smile to Jungkook. Before Jungkook can react for his word, Taehyung already push his final, and Hoseok scream happily, "the baby is a boy, he is born!" And there is, the little boy, Hoseok hold it, and Suga tried to clean him. Jungkook turn his head, tried to look his child, but suddenly he felt something, Taehyung's hand just fell from his grip, lifeless.
Jungkook look to his side, looking his love of life, and his eyes wide, he doesn't remember he scream or cried harder, he just tried to hold his lover, and tried to wake him up. But the man in his hold still close his eyes, feel like sleeping, but his face is so pale, and his whole body like lifeless. Jungkook tried to give his energy but Jungkook himself can feel it, the body is so empty. Jungkook lost his mind, he can't feel his heart anymore, its too painful. He just looking his lover's face, touch his lips, and kiss him deeply. Even the other not kiss him back, bit Jungkook still kiss him deeply, doesn't want to let go. He doesn't want let Taehyung go..


Hellooo sorry for long waiting for my new chaps, i have a difficult time to write this part. So, i tried to write little by little but so slow. I am sorry. But i hope this chap goes well..
Btw, today, i see that our TaeTae became so sassy about taekook, its okay. I love him so much. I always think Taehyung has feminim part thats why i love bottom-tae, and other member seem more manly (Tae also have manly sexy part from him, he is so amazing) , but from all member, the chemistry that match with Taehyung is Jungkook. So its okay if just for our imagination only, thats how all the stories goes right? I still support Taekook 💜 for our stories.

And, one of reasons why i update this chap so slow, because i made another story!

This story has strong Taehyung and a little bit sassy, and stubborn Jungkook, and little angst maybe

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This story has strong Taehyung and a little bit sassy, and stubborn Jungkook, and little angst maybe. Just write. I love how this going. But still bottom-tae 😁❤, please read it!

For all of you, relax, there will Next Chapter for this story. It is not the end...

Purple all of you 💜

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