Sixth, I can't lose you

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You and me already become one, and no one or things can separate us

Possessive, they said. Protective, he said. Since the mark's night, Jungkook show his possessive over Taehyung. He always check where is his mate, or what he is doing. If Jungkook not busy, he will cuddle his mate, and kiss him everytime, it seems that Jungkook always hungry about Taehyung. Taehyung, who is a young man which fall in love, never mind about Jungkook possessive, he also feel he want to be kissed or snuggle to his mate. Since they are mated, Jungkook moves to Taehyung cabin (Namjoon gives the lover new cabin next to main house), Namjoon make Jungkook as his right hand, first because he is Taehyung's mate, and second he knows Jungkook is a Great Alpha, whose power is the most intimidate. Now, in Namjoon's work place they have 3 tables, for him, Jungkook and Hoseok. 

"Jungkook, can I see your mark?" Hoseok said as flipping an old book. Actually, when Jungkook woke up after their 'love' night, he saw his mate body glowing in blue aura but started to dim, and when he look his own body, his body also glowing in red aura. Then, it's just dim and gone. He thought its just because moon light, but then he saw his mark at his mate's skin. It's not just two dot (fangs mark) but it made a symbol like old rune and he didn't know what that means. He felt sacred, didn't want anything happen to his lovely mate, he got up quickly and look at mirror, and saw his mark also made a old rune but different shape as Taehyung. He touched it, and felt some weird power in that mark, 'What is this?' Jungkook thought. But, it's just awhile before his mate start whining, look for his human size heater. And, Jungkook hurriedly come to his mate and hold him close and kiss his forehead then sleep again. 

"That's an old rune, and it says King" Hoseok tried to match the mark on Jungkook's neck with the drawing in old book. "Yes, it means King, i bet in Taehyung's neck, it will be Queen" Hoseok looks at Jungkook's mark once again. "What is that mean Hoseok-hyung, i don't have royal blood, and i as a King, that's absolutely impossible, Namjoon-hyung who deserve to be King.. and Tae himself, he is not a royal blood, isn't?" Jungkook asked Namjoon. "Nope. My father is just a leader pack, and so do i, and we don't have royal blood at all" Namjoon said as playing with his pen, he felt concerned about his little brother and Jungkook.
"No, that's not mean you are literally a King, not like that, it says in here, that you have a power like an King. It means you and your mate have blessed by Moon Godness. It says, it just happend once in one thousands years, and it will happened when the King's blood and Queen's blood mated each other. The King will have a powerfull strength and can intimidate all rank in wolf rank as a King. And the Queen, will have a power to protect our kinds, wolfs, Queen can heal all wound, even cure dying person, and can see little future --" Hoseok read the old book. "That's Taehyung!" Namjoon said, and Jungkook just gasp. "-- But, as a Queen, will sacrifice all his/her might to save his/her pack, and it can lead dead to the Queen, thats why, the King will be born as a Great Alpha, who can transfer his energy to his Queen" Hoseok finished his reading and looked to two Alpha who have worried face. "No... it can be.. it means, Taehyung as my Queen, he can dead? No.. it can't be," Jungkook mumbles as sit in his chair. "No, it won't, i will not let it happend, Jungkook-ah" Namjoon said as pat Jungkook shoulder, "But Hoseok, what it means the King can transfer his energy?" Namjoon said. Hoseok thinks a little bit, and Jungkook just look to his hyung with hope in his eyes. Then, some thought make Hoseok lift his head, "Ah.. it happened before right?" Hoseok cheerfuly said, and point to Jungkook. Jungkook confuse, "What hyung? I don't understand", Hoseok tried to explain slowly to both Alphas " So, when ever Taehyung felt sick, we can't minimize his condition, but as Jungkook held his hand, or kiss his forehead, suddenly Taehyung felt better, didn't he?" Hoseok smile widely. "You mean...... that's the transfer energy mean" Namjoon understand now. "Yesss!!! That's right leader, you are smart" Hoseok laught happily. "It means i can save Taehyung right? Is right hyung?" Jungkook said with eyes full of hope. " As long as you stay side by side with Taehyung, he will be protected, your energy can save him Jungkook.." Hoseok hug the little Alpha and smile widely. Jungkook want to cry, he know it little sentimental, but he want to hug his omega now, his queen, his love. "Hyung, can i excuse please, i want to.. want to see Taehyung" Jungkook said with love in his eyes. "Of course my little brother, just go" Namjoon said with chuckle. And with that, Jungkook run out from Namjoon office.
"He is so cute, you know" Hoseok smile as looking how fast the young Alpha run. "He is my brother's mate, of course he is cute like my brother" Namjoon laugh. "Hahahha... heeyy... how about your omega, Jin-hyung, he is okay? He needs to eat a lot, this first trimester is hard because his morning sickness, but its already second month of his pregnant, so i think he will be okay.. hahaha, i still don't believe it already near his third month and you just dont realize it until your little brother told you all" Hoseok just shake his head, disbelief to his leader of pack. "Yahh.. actually, Jin smell different, but i thought it just my imagination, i was too busy with my work, even i had sex with him last week. Am i idiot?" Namjoon just hold his head, he don't believe himself to not realize his mate is pregnant. "It's okay, i already check, Jin is fine, your pup is fine, he just need to carefull and still eat" Hoseok assure the Alpha. "Thanks bro" Namjoon smile..

Hello readers, i have other story, its vampire theme, please check my bio to see my new story. And, dont forget to comment my story, to help me writing better. I will always update fast. Thanks for enjoy reading my story. Love you 💜

Protect you  (Taekook) - Completed -Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя