Ninth, you are everything

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Everything you do, everything you want, i will do it for you, love..

"Jiminiieeeeeee~... pleaseeee let me plaayyy"
Taehyung just pout and try to disturb Jimin who is reading a book. "You can play in here Taehyung" Jimin said with eyes still in pages, ignore Taehyung completely. "I can not play in here..... you know... i want to go to the river~~" Taehyung is whining now. "Just wait for Jungkook and you still not healthy yet" Jimin said with stern in his voice. Taehyung pout even harder, it's almost a week, he can't go out by himself, he already healed from that accident,yeah sometimes he still stumble little bit because suddenly he got dizzy, thats why he hates so much became a weak omega. But he felt suffocated to stay in home for one week full.

"Tae, from now, you must stay safely in house, you will always be guarded, and if you want to go out you must to tell me" Jungkook said strickly. When Tae wanted to protest, Jungkook said again in his mind with their link, and that make Taehyung kept silent with pout. He doesn't know the reason why everybody so overprotective to him. Especially Jungkook, he always came home with worried in his face, always looking for Tae everytime he arrived at home. And, Taehyung always hug Jungkook tightly to let his Alpha sure, he was fine, he was okay enough.

"Jungkook, please... "
Jungkook tried to ignore every pleads that Taehyung link in his mind. And its hard, after all Taehyung is a persistent person, if he want something, he will do it. "JEON JUNGKOOK, stop ignore my link. Let me out. I want to go to riveeerrr" Taehyung start crying.. "Tae my love, please, listen to me, wait for me, i almost done for today, i will take you to river if i've done my work. Okay love?" Jungkook gave up. "Yeaaaayyyyyyy!!! Really?? You've promised Kookie! I will be waiting for you!" Jungkook heard how happy his lover from his link. He was smiling widely. Jungkook still concern and worried about Tae, after the accident and after what Namjoon and Suga told him, he can't stop worried about his lover. Who wants to hurt his love? And Taehyung heals slowly and Jungkook know sometimes Taehyung stumbles while walking and have a slight fever in night when Taehyung was sleeping, Jungkook saw all of this and how can't he not worried for his Omega? He is an Alpha, of course he has desire to protect whats his. "Jungkook?" Namjoon words make Jungkook comeback from his tought. "Are you okay, Jungkook?" "Yeah.. i am fine hyung.. just worried, a little." Namjoon just smile, "i know you worried so much about Tae" Jungkook looks his brother in law, and nods, "He still has fever at night, and i know he still stumble when he was walking, he is not healed yet, i tried to kiss him everyday, to give him my energy, but it seems not enough...," Jungkook just low his head, ".. but he still have energy to play around, now he links me every second to bring him to river, he wants to play so hard" Jungkook is smiling. "Hahaha...thats my little bro for sure, he always has energy to be cheerful person, hmm why dont you go right now, he will be more happy.." Namjoon wink to Jungkook. "What.. hyung, but the job and the protection.. " "Jungkook, we will find out who behind this accident, he is my little brother and my only fams that left, of course i will take this matter seriously, and about protection of pack, Suga and Jimin will do it, just go to him" Namjoon said with smile. Jungkook smile back, "Thank so much hyung" and get up from his chair and straight to come to his love.

"Kookieeee!!" Taehyung run to hug his lover, but of course, he almost fell again and Jungkook quickly catch him. "TAE!" Jungkook hold his lover with worried face, "you...... you know you always fell down when you were running like that, please be careful my love.." Taehyung just giggle and put his face in Jungkook's neck, his mate scent always calm him. "Its okay Kookie..i am fine" and Jungkook hold his love tightly and kiss his cheeck. "So, wanna go to river now?" "Yeessssssss!!!" Taehyung scream happily. "But, i have 2 conditions dan you must follow Taetae" Jungkook give a serious look to his lover. "First, while go to river or back from river you must in my hold or hang on my back, never walk by yourself" "Whaaatttttttt, Kooki--" Taehyung want to protest but Jungkook silent him with a kiss, as he part his lips, "i know your legs still weak as jelly, and i want them heal properly" Taehyung just pout, "Okie, next rule please" "Second, in river, you must on my radar, never act so suddenly, please dont suddenly heal someone or something, please understand that yourself is not healed yet too" Jungkook once again said in serious look and a stern voice. Taehyung just sighed, he knows so well his mate care for him but he just want a little freedom. "Okay Kookie" "Good, now hop to my back" Jungkook said as give his back low to his lover.

"KOOKIEEEEEE.. look that fish, i want to catch them" Taehyung said happily, as playing in river. Jungkook already scan the river, so there isn't a single sharp rock in that area, so Taehyung can walk or swim safely. He knew walking in water make Tae's leg heal faster. Jungkook look how his lover's shirt look transparant as the shirt is wet, and show how Tae's body is so delicate and sinful. When Tae walk to him in middle of river, Jungkook hold him fast as put his face in Tae's neck. He smell his love's scent and lick Tae's neck, make Tae yalp and blush a bit. "Koo--ah--kie...." Jungkook then kiss Tae's ear which already blushing so hard, then to both Tae' eyes then Tae' cheeks, his action really make Tae blushed so hard. Then he looks his lover face, so beautiful and so ethereal. "Tae... i love you so much" Jungkook said with love in his eyes, make Taehyung's heart beat faster and he quick pecks Jungkook's lips, make Jungkook startled little bit. Then, with smirk, Jungkook pull his lover's face and their lips meet. Taehyung's hand hold in Jungkook neck and Jungkook's hand in Tae's waist. They kiss in the middle of river, while their wet body so close to each other, make another sinful sensation. Its so lovely and peaceful, Jungkook really enjoy the moment, feeling his lover lips, after awhile, Jungkook pulls off and look his lover face with big smile, Taehyung look Jungkook's face with love in his eyes. Then, suddenly he feels something hit his back, it happens so fast, Taehyung feels like his head spinning, he can feel his eyes start to heavy, and the painful feeling start to spread out from his back, "Koo.....kieee" Taehyung said as coughing and blood coming from his mouth. "TAEEEEE!" Jungkook fastly hold his love. Scared, Pain, Angry, Worried become one, he doesn't know what happen, the last thing he saw was his lover face which smiling but then change to shock and painful face, and when blood coming from his lover mouth, Jungkook can't think anymore... " TAE! Please! Tae please wake up.. please..." Jungkook hold his love which already unconscious, Jungkook is panic, so panic, his heart felt like stop...
Hello guys sorry for very late late late late updates, the draft already made since the beginning of this year, but this 2 months, i really became so busy, so sorry, but please keep in touch to write comments, and please give me your comment about this chapter, its getting interested right? Next will be a gloomy chaps, maybe.... sorry..
And i always make promise to update faster. Hopefully can fullfil my promise.
Just want to share, last week i had a chance to go Korea! And i really buy everything about BTS 💜 which hard to afford in my country.
Tips Trip from me, use bus than subway and Google Map doesnt work properly use Naver Map instead, happy holiday everyone!

 Tips Trip from me, use bus than subway and Google Map doesnt work properly use Naver Map instead, happy holiday everyone!

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Taekook Cold Brew Coffee

Taehyung hand print 💜 at Lotte Star Avenue (ignore my hand)

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Taehyung hand print 💜 at Lotte Star Avenue (ignore my hand)

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