Finale - Part 3

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The weather wasn't sunny nor was it gloomy. It was very cozy and pleasant with just the right amount of sunlight and clouds along with the the soft breezes every now and then.

They stopped by the roadside overlooking a sunflower field to have their breakfast . Lisa finished hers soon and ran towards the field , the long sunflower stems hiding her perfectly.

"Lisa!" All of them called out as they quickly dusted off their hands and ran towards the field as well.

"Unnie , let's play hide and seek!" they could hear her shriek very well .

"Lili , this isn't funny! It's dangerous " Jennie worries.

"Oh come on Jendeukie , it's not that bad. She just wants to play" Jisoo reasoned .

"What if she gets lost?"

"She won't . Don't worry."

Jennie sighed as she reluctantly joined in on the game.

They played for a few minutes following the sound of the toddler's giggles

But after some time it became quite.


"Lali where are you?"


They kept calling out until they heard a high pitched scream.


They all ran towards the direction the scream came from before slowing down as they heard giggles with the sound of whining.

"Yah!! Lalisa, it was not funny" Rosie whined as Lisa just continued to giggle and laugh her ass off.

"Unnie got scawed " she laughed out.

All of them visibly sighed in relief before Jisoo and Jennie start chastising the younger one for the stunt she just pulled which was going radio silent for a few minutes.

Lisa had snuck up on Chaeyoung , suddenly grabbing her legs which caused her to scream out of fright.

The two sisters just stood on the side , smiling at the scene unfolding before them.

Soon they were all heading back to the car Lisa being carried by Chaeyoung this time .

"Y'all are whipped moms , for sure" Eun-Jung comments , seeing the way they handled the situation with Lisa.

"Are not" all the three chorused earning a few snickers from the magical siblings.

"Alright , let's get this show back on the road" Eun-Jung hypes the mood as they set off .

"We awe putting a show?"


After a long ride of two hours they finally reached their destination.

Naksan Beach.

They weren't many people at the moment, probably due to the weather .

Eun-Jung lead the way from the beach to the near by jungle, walking at the point where the shore and the forest meet.

They walked for a few minutes , enjoying the view .

Lisa got scared a few times because of the huge crabs that walked beside them on the rocks resulting in Eun-bi giving her a piggy back ride.

Eun-Jung finally stopped in front of a cave, a little hidden by the bushes and the trees.

She fished out a torch light before going inside.

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