Chapter 10 : part 2

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They took a cab to the park since it was bit of a walk .
Upon reaching the , Lisa once again took off , running around gleefully laughing .

After making sure to capture that moment on camera , they all went to a more secluded part of the park where they were sure no one would be .
It was kind of a secret part of the park that they had discovered as trainees and it was always their getaway place when they just needed a moment alone .

Though they were sure some people just know about it and it might even be that person's getaway place , the timing always worked for them and they were never interrupted while they were there.

And it seemed to be working for them again since there was no one around and the people who were in  the park  were all in the main area . They were in their line of vision which they were highly grateful for .

This park was a huge garden type one with one part of it dedicated to swings and see-saws and stuff which is where the usual crowd with children is found .
The other parts are mostly gardens perfect for picnics with pathways for walks , cycling etc.

Their secret area was surrounded by trees and bushes all around, which helped in keeping them hidden, with a very small pond in the side.  There was another huge lake in the park so one really payed attention to this pond .

Thankfully since it was a weekday , everyone had school , college and office so the park wasn't crowded except for a handful of elderly people and the others being parents with toddlers .

They set down their blanket and a picnic basket under the tree before they took off their caps and masks to get  a breath of fresh air .
The weather was perfect too , not very sunny , the sky littered with clouds and the breeze making an entrance now and then.

"Unnie ! Let's go play !"

All four of them had a blast .

They played hide and seek first which ended in Jennie crying in the fourth round because a beetle landed on her arm and wouldn't fly off easily .

Then they played frisbee for a while before it got stuck on a branch . Rosie lifted Lisa on her shoulders since the branch wasn't that high up . While Lisa was at it , she spotted a next with eggs in it and also one of the parent bird near by .
Lisa seemed to really like what she saw and asked for one of their phones to click a picture .

Even though it was a little shaken up , it was actually a pretty good photo .

" I want to climb that twee !!" Lisa exclaimed while pointing at a tree on her left . The branches weren't really that high but they were definitely high enough for the child .

"Aniyo . Too dangerous" Jisoo said.

Lisa started pouting and constantly kept saying " Pwease pwease pwease pwease unnie "

"Unnie , I'll climb the tree branch and you could just lift her up to me . I'll keep a hold on her then " Chaeyoung suggested seeing how much she really wanted to climb it .

These three are extremely whipped for that toddler , dontcha agree ?

First Rosie climbed before Jennie picked Lisa up and perched her up on the tree branch .
Rosie was sitting on the joint of the tree trunk and the branch and placed Lisa in front of her while having a firm grip on her .
They stayed there for a few minutes while hearing occasional whines from Jisoo for them to come down .

Once they had gotten down safely was probably when Jisoo felt like she could breathe again .

Oh also don't think they didn't take pictures of Rosie and Lisa on the tree branch because they definitely did ...probably enough for a mini album .

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