Finale - part 2

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Jennie had asked her mom if she could borrow her car which of course earned her a very confused look from her mom but wasn't denied the request.

She gave the explanation that a friend of Jisoo's had come over and they wanted to on a long drive before their break ended.

Which led to the present moment where they were all huddled up in the car with a sleepy Lisa , on their way to who knows where.

Jisoo sat shotgun with Eun-bi driving , the other two at the back with Lisa on Jennie's lap.

"Jisoo , what's the next item on the list ?"

Jisoo quickly unfolded the paper Eun-bi had roughly written before leaving and read the second item out loud.

"Um, Am-Amethyst?"

"Hm , ok . Dial the number I'm going to recite now."

After dialling Jisoo puts the phone on speaker. Not long after they hear a soft voice answer.


"Yo bitch I need a favour"

"Well , I'm pretty sure that's not how you ask for one " the lady chuckled , clearly recognising who was speaking.

"Tell me , what do you need?"

"Just informing you that I'm coming over"


It was about twenty minutes before they reached a quite lavish house , a little on the outskirts of the main city.

"This place is pretty" Jennie lets out as she gets out of the car.

It was a bit on the Japanese style of architecture , with trees and plants surrounding the house.

It had a very calming aura to it.

Lisa had woken up by now and was just enjoying being able to get out of the apartment.

She thought they were on an outing with a friend of her unnies.

She skips to the front door stopping as soon as she sees a lady already waiting for them with a soft smile.

She had bluish-purple hair which suited the magical vibes around that place.

And she looked a lot like Eun-bi .

"Hello " she crouches in front of lisa and waves to her .

Lisa shyly waves back before running over to Jisoo and clutches her hand.

"Hey idiot "

"Jackass "Eun-bi chuckles back as she hugs the bluish-purple haired girl.

After they let go , the lady turns towards her guests .

She bows as she introduces herself

"Annyeonghaseyo . I'm Taishi Eun-Jung , Eun-bi's little sister " she smiles .

Now everything makes sense. Did I forget to tell you she had a little sister ?

Well now you know , let's continue with the story.

After all the pleasantries and greetings were over they went inside the house .

Eun-Jung led them to the living room which was very spacious and modern looking with the perfect hint of vintage .

"What brings Blackpink to my humble abode?" she asks playfully .

"Eun-Jung runs a crystal therapy centre "Eun-bi informs the other three before turning to her sister.

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