Chapter 13

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After looking at the bottle for a few more seconds as if to sort out her thoughts she was brought back to reality by Nayeon who had been sharply observing her.

"Sooya? Why are you tense all of a sudden?"


She was still a bit dazed as she processed what Nayeon had asked her.

"Oh , it's just ...a drink my friend from China gave me ..."

Nayeon could tell there was more.


Jisoo sighed as she answered "And maybe this is the reason for Lisa's state currently."

Nayeon furrowed her brows in contemplation and also confusion.

"Why do you think so?"

"I don't really know ....I can be wrong but it's just this gut feeling I have"

Nayeon nodded before she looked at the wall clock "Oh , it's already 3. We should leave ."

Jisoo smiled as she hugged her "Take care and good luck on your schedules"

"Thanks and don't worry too much . We all are here to support you and help you get back Lalisa. "

Jisoo hugged her tighter before letting go. Nayeon called her members who were having a fun time playing around with Lisa.

Guess it really helped refresh them , taking a break and playing with a toddler . Being carefree.

They left as soon as their manager arrived downstairs and Jennie took Lisa inside her room for her afternoon nap.

Jisoo was still analysing the bottle when a voice suddenly interrupted her thoughts.

"Unnie , what are you doing just standing there?"

Jisoo turned around to Rosie looking at her curiously as she sat down on the chair beside the dining table.

She showed her the bottle and told her the theories running in her mind while Chaeng's eyes just kept widening with every word she spoke.

"But none of this can be confirmed until I Speak with Eun-bi unnie."

"Then why don't you?"

"Why don't you what?" a voice rang out at the entrance of the kitchen.

Jisoo just sighed "I'm not going to explain again . I've already done it twice"

Her statement was more of a whine as to why everyone couldn't be in the same room when she explained.

She went to the balcony to call the Chinese makeup artist.

Jennie just pouted "Meanie..."

Chaeng just giggled before she made her unnie sit down and told her what Jisoo had just finished saying.

A few minutes later Jisoo entered the living room with a really frustrated and annoyed look.

"What's wrong?" Jennie questioned.

"Her phone's switched off " Jisoo took a seat at the table as well laying her head on the table and closing her eyes , willing her incoming headache away.

This situation was getting out of hand and Jisoo had started feeling completely helpless.

Even though she loves toddler Lisa she knows they need the real one back. For emotional as well as world view purposes.

They cannot live without their annoying baby maknae not being back to who she really was.

They needed her.

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