Chapter 10: part 1

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"So , what do we do now? How do we make up for scolding her ?" Jennie asked after all the three had calmed down a bit .

All of them furrow their eyes brows in deep thinking . It needed to be something that made Lisa super happy , like extremely .

"We could make her a mug-cake for breakfast ?" Chaeng asked . The idea wasn't bad seeing the adult Lisa had been craving mug-cake for a while but couldn't make any due to their tight schedules.

" .... and we could actually take her out for a picnic ?" Jennie suggested , quite hesitantly at that and looked at her members .

To be honest , it is a bit scary for them to be out and about in public , that too with baby Lisa . They've encountered rude antis and even death threats which gives them enough reason to be jittery about the idea.

Not like it stops them from sneaking out but still . It would create havoc if someone recognised Lisa , though it was a bit far fetched considering people wouldn't really pay attention to a three year old , just a mere glance could be expected , at least that's what they wanted .

And even if some blinks see her and think she looks like baby Lisa from her old pictures , it's not new to come across children with similar features to idols.

Jennie and Rosie , both could see the gears turning in Jisoo's head , trying to think if it was safe enough for all of them and stuff.

No matter if she denies it , she's very protective of her members , the feeling was mutual for all the members towards each other.

But even she knew that keeping a toddler cooped up in an apartment isn't the healthiest of the thing to do , mentally and physically .

She finally looked at the two and nodded before saying " Alright , I'll go talk to our managers and try to convince them that we'll like to go out for the day . We are sticking to our lie that Lisa is my niece . You two get started on the mug cake " .

Jisoo went to her room to make the phone call while the other two headed for the kitchen to start on their mini surprise for the toddler.

"Chaeng-ah, you can make the cake right ? Because I don't think it needs two people to be made and meanwhile I could get started on planning our day out "

Rosie nodded and gave her a toothy chipmunk smile before getting all the ingredients.
Jennie went over to the couch with a notepad , listing all the things they would do ,  the things they would need to bring etc .

"Alright" Jisoo sighs as she enters the living room area and places her phone on the table. "I somehow managed to persuade them into letting us go for a picnic without them tagging along . I reasoned that ji-hee was upset about not being able to go out and that cramping her in an apartment wasn't healthy . As for why they couldn't come with us , it's because Ji-hee is afraid of strangers and wouldn't enjoy the outing if they were with us. So if need be , keep this story up ."

After receiving a firm nod and wide grins that made their eyes into small crescents , she proceeded to give the instructions specifically given to them by their managers.
"Also remember that our managers are breaking multiple rules just for us , let's not screw this up , got it?"

"Yes , ma'am !"

The response making her chuckle before she went to help Chaeyoung out with the food. Getting everything prepared was consuming a bit of time as they didn't want to ideally just sit and have sandwiches.
They also thought of small games the little one might enjoy .

Speaking of the little baby , Jisoo started to get a but disturbed by the lack of noise coming from Lisa's room . Their house just seemed way too quite .

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