Chapter 6

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Chaeyoung and Jennie kept Lisa occupied the whole time so after the initial tantrum of missing her Chichu unnie, Lisa didn't think about it afterwards.

"What do you want to now bub?" Chaeyoung asked.


What could they expect , it was their Lisa afterall , the dancing machine.

Jennie thought they'll just do some of their own songs before continuing with other k-pop songs.

Showing the playlist to the little one she asked her to pick a song.

She excitedly picked 'playing with fire'.

"Baby , it might be tough for you" Jennie told the child , now regretting the decision of making her choose the song.

"No! I wanna do this!" Lisa pouted while stomping her feet, stubborn on her choice.

"Alright , come on"

They moved the centre table to the side so they could have space to dance without getting hurt.

Both on each side with Lisa in the middle , a little behind so she can follow their steps.

The first was not a problem for her . She even enjoyed doing the Hip-swaying walk a lot.

But once the foot work set in, it became harder for the little one . Her legs weren't long enough to change her position quickly while dancing.

She somehow tripped and fell face front.

Both the unnies held onto their breath , too stunned to move and also afraid that the child will start her wailing again.

But Lisa just sat up , dusted her knees before looking her unnies.

"Whach wong unnie?" she asked with a puzzled look since they just stared at her , as if expecting something to happen to soon.

"You aren't hurt , right?" Chaeyoung asked. The toddler just smiled and said she doesn't get hurt that easily .

They just nodded incredulously , teasing the young one.

To prove her point Lisa tried making expressions to show she was bold and strong but it just resulted in the unnies laughing , amused at the show they were being presented as it was way too cute than what the toddler was opting for.

After dancing a bit more to the song and also to a few of twice and red velvet songs, Lisa didn't want to learn the choreography anymore so she just started jumping up and down to the beat. 

At one point Chaeyoung set up her phone on the shelf to record their dancing so that they could show Jisoo unnie. She would definitely enjoy it .


Then they played a few games like hide and seek , snake and ladder etc. after which they decided to end the night with a movie.

Chaeyoung was just about to insert the DVD when Lisa exclaimed

"Look , look it's raining!" she was super excited with the sudden change in weather.

She immediately ran to the window and started jumping to be able to see the rain .
Seeing her struggle, Chaeyoung picked her up and situated her on her hip so that she could see better.

Lisa had such a beautiful expression on her face that Jennie couldn't help but take a video of the little girl , happily clapping her hands and looking mesmerized by the simple rain.

Chaeyoung and Jennie couldn't seem to wipe off their smiles looking at her.  She was truly precious.

Jennie sent that video to Jisoo who immediately swooned looking at it and replied with a lot of heart eyed emojis.

"Do you want to race?" Jennie asked the little toddler. But the child couldn't understand what kind of race Jennie meant so she explained the rules of the rain droplet race which seemed to excite the little one.

"Ok ,let's choose a rain drop and ...GO!"

"Go drop , go go !" Lisa cheered soon joined by Jennie who was cheering her own drop.

All the three played like this for quite some time before things started to go downhill.

A really strong lightning struck followed by a super loud thunder. This scared the poor girl who got startled and started crying.

She hid her head in Rosie's neck trying to tune out the loud noise and kept squirming in her hands which made it kind of difficult for Rosie to carry her , but somehow managed to do so.

"Hey baby, it's alright ..."Jennie said soothingly while rubbing her back as Chaeng was swaying the little girl in her arms.
As she was saying this , another loud thunder rumbled startling Jennie and making her yelp.

"Sshhh.....Shhh....." Rosie tried calming her but all the effort was going in vain.

They could see a thunderstorm starting and they knew it was only going to get louder from now on.

"Let's take her to the bedroom" Rosie nodded and headed towards her room while Jennie switched off some of the electrical appliances for the time being and closed the curtains.

They tucked her in and then cuddled her from both the sides as if protecting her from anything and everything .

Lisa's sob did not seem to cease so Rosie did the one thing she always did when Lisa would have nightmares or couldn't sleep when they were trainees ...or even after they debuted; she'd sing.

She started singing their song ,that is, the Thai song , Bao Bao , since that was the first thing that came to her mind.

As she started singing both the unnies got in a more comfortable position , now laying down on their sides rather than cuddling in a half up-right sitting position.

They were using one hand to rest their head upon  and hold it up . Jennie was patting Lisa's stomach in a calming manner while Chaeyoung brushed her fingers through the child's hair .

Her cries were now reduced to sniffles as she looked at both her unnies who softly smiled at her silently reassuring her that they will always be there with her.

This calming therapy added with Chaeyoung's soothing voice slowly put the little one to sleep .

When they noticed this , they let out a sigh of relief and gave each other a relieved smile before kissing the cheeks of the now sleeping toddler.

"Gosh , such a loud voice inside such a small body ..." Jennie silently chuckled.

"Well what could've we expected ... it is Lisa we are talking about."

"There's no one like her ,huh..."


They fell into a comfortable silence just gazing at the child with adoration.



"Did you realise we actually look like a legit couple with their daughter?"

Jennie looked around at the atmosphere of the room and their positions before laughing softly and nodding. It was kind of funny to them.

Jennie took a picture of them like this , just for memory sake.

And before they knew it , they had fallen into a deep slumber as well , enjoying the warmth of the blanket and each other.


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Until next time

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