"Of course, Sire!"

The god of Gehenna nodded, then poured some of his blood to create a gate to Assiah. Not long after that, he finally arrived in front of the monastery.

Shiro immediately recognized his presence. "Satan. How uncommon for you to come here in the middle of the day."

"I see that you're still holding your suspicion over me like always. It seems that even after all these years, you're still unable to accept the fact that Yuri is my lover, isn't it?"

He wasn't in the mood to face his cocky demeanor. "Ugh. What do you want?"

"I would like to see her. Please, call Yuri for me."

"Hold it for a moment. Rin, Yukio, can you call your mother? Your father needs her!"

The twins were taken by surprise knowing that their father came for a visit. "Father!"

"Hello Rin, Yukio. How are both of you doing?", he asked his sons affectionately. He patted their heads.

"We are fine", Rin replied. "By the way, mom is on her way out here. She had just finished her lunch."

Soon, Yuri came out to see her lover. She smiled at him. "Hello, Satan. What a pleasant surprise."

As always, Satan was mesmerized by her looks. He pulled her into his embrace and kissed her passionately. "Hello, my love. I'm sorry if I came without your notice first."

"It's alright. I'm sure there must be something that makes you want to come to Assiah."

"True. Can we talk about it inside?"

Yuri looked at Shiro with plead. He couldn't fight his best friend when she was using that expression. He finally nodded and ushered them into the monastery.

Taking his seat, Shiro finally questioned him, "So, you said that you have a reason to come here. What exactly is it?"

"I'm worried about Lucifer. I haven't heard of him again since Samael told me he lost his consciousness. The situation in Gehenna isn't getting any better. So many noble demons started to show their signs of rebellion", he shook his head remembered the sight in Gehenna. "How is his condition?"

"So far, he is unconscious since he got home after that fight. I think you can say that he's in a coma", Rin explained.

"The deterioration of his vessel spread in a fast extent. The doctors from Vatican are doing their best at the moment to stabilize his condition", Yukio added.


In the mansion, the Demon Kings sit near their oldest brother's sick bed. Lucifer was still unconscious. He was connected to life support machines and there were infusion on various parts of his body. He wore a breathing mask connected directly to his throat. His body was wrapped in bloodied bandages with his rotten skin showing.

"I still can't believe this is happening to him", Iblis placed her hand on her face in worry.

"Indeed. This has been 2 weeks", Azazel said as he patted her shoulder.

"How long will it take until he wakes up? ", Amaimon asked his older siblings.

"From his condition, I think it would take a while. At the moment, his vessel is working hard to replenish the powers that has been lost during his fight. Turning into his demonic form clearly took a lot of energy. Not to mention, he was drugged with high doses of sedatives, so his body can focus on healing itself", Egyn stated. "Let's hope he'll wake up soon."

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