Chapter 11

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Troye's POV (His nightmare.....)

I was all alone in a room, it was pitch black.. I could barely see anything. Everything I touched was wall, no door, no window. I looked, or felt, around for a flashlight. I did find something but it wasn't a flashlight, it was in fact, candle, one of those switch candles. I turned on the candle and surprisingly it worked extremely well. It even helped me find a door hidden behind the wall. I climbed into the hidden door and it loud me outside. It seemed like I was trapped or held hostage. It was just a random block of metal that stood in front of a house. A house... no... more like, an apartment.

I walked, ran, over to the apartment, it was extremely cold, so I wanted to hurry up and see if I could get inside. Wait a minute... this is Tyler's apartment, how did I get out here? The last thing I remember is sitting at the table with him. The good thing is though, it was Tyler, so of course he would let me in, so I went ahead and knocked on the door. It wasn't a long wait until Tyler finally opened the door. "What are you doing here? How did you get out?" Tyler asked.

"Wait you mean, you put me in there?"

"And you were supposed to stay there!"

"What were you going to do to me?" I questioned.

"None of your business faggot," Tyler responded.

"Wait what do you mean? Aren't you one too?"

"Fuck no.... I'm straight as a pole!"

"But you told me tha-"

"I never in my life told you I was gay, no wonder you have no friends and all those people hating you, you lie way too much!"

"Why are you saying this to me....?"

"Because, gays don't get treated right, homosexual bastard!" Tyler yelled slamming the door. What did I ever do to him? Nothing, nothing to deserve this. Him calling me a bastard? Why? I was always so nice to him.... why would he ever do this? "You should listen to him, Troye, no one is going to except you," A voice that sounded like Alfie's said. I was right, and Alfie was pulling a small, or big, baseball bat out throwing it over his head. Wait a minute what is he about to do??? Hurt me?!?!? "No... Don't!! Please don't hurt me! NO!!"

"Shh, I won't hurt you... no one will hurt you.... I'm right here, protecting you," Someone whispered wrapping their arms around me drawing me closer. I was all the sudden in bed, it turned to table, box, then bed. Who is this in the first place? Troye, who else would it be? It is Tyler's apartment. Anyways, the thing was, I didn't want to go back to sleep... it was so riskful taking naps and going to sleep. "Tilly... I don't want to go back to sleep...." I mumbled.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, I wouldn't want to go back to sleep If I were you either!" Tyler responded rising from the bed. He pulled me up from the bed and wrapped his arm around me humming an unknown tune. 

"You're such a bastard believing Tyler is going to like you!"

"He's going to hurt you someday! Listen to us you helpless bastard!"

"He's never going to take care of a dick like you!"

"He wants you to make more cuts!"

'"More cuts!"

"He's going to hurt you!" 

"Tilly, tilly, the voices, they won't go away!" I yelled squeezing my ears. All I felt was him squeeze me and whisper unknown words. I couldn't hear him because my hands were squeezing my ears, l-

"He hates you!"

"Listen to us not him!!"

"Fuck Off!!!" I yelled.


"No no, I didn't mean you, please, I not lying! I swear I'm not!! The voices....I tried to make them be, to stop!" I said.

"It's fine, I believe you.." Tyler responded hugging me once more. 

"Troye... I want you to, I have to go to the store later, which means... you'll be home alone..." Tyler whispered

"But, I can't be alone! What if that guy forces me! Or cho-"

"You know what on second thought, Alfie and Zoe will be here okay?"

"Fine....' I mumbled...

 *An hour Later....*

Are you sure it was just one thing? He's been gone for an hour! He as in Tyler... Whatever, a little youtube comments would pass the- oh wait, no one fucking likes me. I can't go anywhere without getting over whelmed by hurtful comments or tweets. Well, what if I had a little good comments...? First let me check youtube, the main one. This is the worst idea ever...


What, you're gay? Fuck you! See you in hell!


Good luck in fucking hell Troye!

Nake Jochnson

Just go kill yourself already and go to hell!

I'm done, no more, that's it! I slammed my phone on the ground and ran towards the bathroom. I slammed the door and looked around in the cabinets, yes, a razor! Or a package opener, who cares it's something I can hurt myself with.... I pointed the razor towards my arm, I didn't hesitate at all, I went ahead...

Fuck you, Bastard!!

One cut....


Two cuts...

KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Six in total..... The blood streamed down my arm, it was painful, but I definitely deserved it... I soon heard footsteps walk towards the bathroom. Shit! I rolled down my sleeve and threw the package opener in the cabinet. I washed out any blood that leaked anywhere. I most likely cleaned the whole bathroom, or majority. Knock Knock. "Troye are ok...?" Zoe asked.

"Leave me alone...."

"Escuse me?"

"Zoe, I just want to be left alone......" I said.

She took a deep sigh before she began her sentence. "Whatever you want Troye...." Zoe said leaving the door. I just wanted to sit against the wall and cry. Just... be alone.. "Troye....?" a voice said. It sounded like, Tyler's?

"Please just open the door..." He asked knocking again.

'The doors unlocked..." I responded. Tyler slowly turned the knob and pushed the door opened. He looked surprised seeing me sloping on the wall. Tyler crouched down and rolled up my sleeve. I tried covering it up, but it was to obvious...



Hi, I don't feel like writing much because I'm lazy

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