Chapter 13

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Troye's POV (His nightmare)

I woke up good as new, once again Tyler wasn't in bed. But this time he left a note:

Off to the store, love ya


Again? Whatever, i felt amazing, no headache, no nightmare, no nothing, I felt fresh, calm, a new and happy Troye. I felt like I could just walk by anyone feeling down today and say hi. Wait... What about Zoe and Alfie...? Who cares anymore Troye! There the ones making you so misrable! Stay like this all the time! I walked up from bed with a smile ear to ear on my face. I paced over to the table to get something to eat. Wait a minute, my phone, what if people were talking good today!

I grabbed my phone and scrolled through tumblr.

Can't wait for your new album Troye!

Wtf, how do u sing like that??

Your voice must been reserved!

I sing like a goat and Troye be over here like, singing like a fucking angel.

To my eyes they were all positive! To that I wanted to thank all of those kind people and the words spoken from them!

Thank you guys so much for those who were speaking so positive :)!

I put my phone down and walked over to the freezer only to find waffles and ice cream. Usually I would pick ice cream, but today, I'm picking Ice cream, fuck the waffles. I grabbed the whole thing and sat on the table scrolling through social media. Just seeing the comments made me smile with glee.

Message from Tyler Oakley

Message from Zoe sugg

Message from Alfie deyes

Message from Connor Franta

What the fuck. Why the fuck am I getting so many messages all the suddend-

Message from Zoe Sugg

Message from Tyler Oakley

Message from Tyler Oakley

Message from Tyler Oakley

Okay, really, what the fuck. What was so serious for them to text me so many fucking time. How aboout you see Troye. Dumbass. But it was a group chat, what......

Tyler: Fuck you...

Zoe: what the fuck you love those people more then us?

Alfie: Sorry, can't hang out with a bastard like you are bitch

Connor: What the fuck is wrong with you??

Tyler: f-

No more..... No more... I thought this was the day, the day it all ends... what happened? I don't underst-

"OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR," Connor yelled banging on the door. He must've been banging on there for minutes to yell like that...I was way to scared to open the door, but I had to.... I walked over towards the door slowly and unlocked the lock. I twisted the knob and pulled it towards me. The door slammed opened hitting the wall making a extremely loud noise.

"You like people more then us huh? You never thank us for what we did, but you thank over people you bitch!" Connor yelled.

"You never in your lifetime said thanks when we said good video!" or "Congratulations Troye" But when your fans get one, you lecture them with thank you's!" Alfie pointed out

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