Chapter 8

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Tyler's POV

Let me tell you something, it took at least an hour to leave the hospital and get to my apartment. I'm still wondering how the ambulance even got to the hospital so fast. Oh wait, it's an ambulance, it probably skipped red lights because you know. I'm still wonder how they got past that traffic, how was that even possible? We have a 27-lane highway and it's still packed. Sometimes, the traffic won't even move it's so ridiculous. There is never one traffic in CA where it's packed. Right when you start to slow down in the middle of a highway in California, you just know your fucked.

Ugh, well at least it didn't take as long as it did going to the hospital. Oh my gosh, I just realized that I was just standing there, in my car, in the parking lot, talking to myself. Thank goodness Troye was distracted to what seemed like daydreaming.

"Troye, were here, what have you been doing?" I asked

"Daydreaming, I'll get stuff," He said grabbing his suitcase from the trunk.

"No no, I got it, what you need to do is go to sleep, or at least lay down," I told him.

"Fine," Troye responded letting go. I unbuckled my seat belt and head towards the trunk of my car. I grabbed Troye's suitcase while he grabbed my pajamas. I locked the car behind us and we walked towards my apartment. I unlocked the door and sat Troye's suitcases down on the floor.

"Troye, if you want to, we can maybe eat out for lunch...?" I asked him.

"Sure Tyler, sounds great!" 

"Well someone is feeling better, I guess we don't need that medicine?"

"I guess not, but are we going now?"

"Of course not, you just got home from the hospital," I told him sitting next to him. He lay his head gently on my shoulder.

"Hey Tilly, would you think they cared if I promised my fans a video yesterday and they didn't get one?" Troye questioned.

"Of course not Troye, I think they would understand if your video was postponed to another date," I answered planting a soft kiss on his forehead. "I don't know Tyler what if-"

"They won't, I promise," I said, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Yea but,"

"Come on, they won't be bad at all, all those 2 millions subscribers, fans, will be there, I never brake a promise Troye,"

"Okay," He responded. I rest my head on Troye shoulder and rocked him back and forth. But what if, just what if he does get hate? I promised him and he'll get upset with me. I can never keep my promises. God damn it he's going to fucking hate me for lying to him and braking a promise. Wait a minute, Tyler this won't ever happen to Troye. Well, you never know? No Tyler. Come on Tyler get your self t-

"Ah Tilly, Tilly!" Troye said squirming. I just realized my arms where rapped around his neck and I must've choked Troye when I got mad.

"I'm sorry, go back to sleep," I told him rubbing his hair. Just thinking about it, Troye didn't have a nightmare when he was taking a nap. I mean, from a guy who takes naps almost daily, I do have dreams when I take naps. Well I don't know that, the shaking and crying and yelling usually means his nightmare is major and feels real. Yeah, maybe he is having a nightmare, but it isn't as, you know, major. But nightmares are still nightmares, there scary as fuck. Ones that seem real would be more scary, it's like watching a horror movie in 3D. Wait, are his nightmares the things causing him to have those nightmares-?

"No Tyler! Don't do it Tyler NO!!!" Troye screamed shaking violently.

"Troye, Troye!! Wake up it's okay! I'm right here!" I said shaking him. He soon stopped and looked at me with his blue eyes. "Tilly.... What restaurant are we going to....?

"Panera why?"

"Be careful...." He told me, trailing off.


"Let's just go and get this over with," Troye said getting up from the couch and leaving out the apartment. What's wrong with him? Was his Nightmare that serious? He just left off with my keys... 

"Let's go Tilly," He said, smiling? Holy shit, that was the most bi-polar thing I've seen in my life. Annoyed the next, then happy the next. What the fuck? Anyways, didn't want his mood changing, so I did what he wanted me to do. I walked out the house and locked the door and got into the car. "I'm driving,"

"Whatever you want," I told him.

*Panera Bread* 

"Come on Tilly, we're here!" Troye whispered shaking me. Are you serious did I really just fall asleep that quick. It seems like right when I got in the car, I fell asleep. I unbuckled my seat and retreated out of the car. Me and Troye walked inside deciding what we should eat. Ironically, there was no bread here, they said, costumers "took it all,"  So we were stuck with Marconi. On the bright side, Panera's macaroni was good as fuck. "Table for two?" The waitress asked.


"Oh! You guys are gay? We have a special place for you!"

"Oh um-"

"Don't worry, I'm not homo, I'm actually a lesbian myself, I just hate when people make fun of gays, just take a left and head straight and you'll find a table, there they won't bother you, call my Cali " Cali told us with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh thanks!" Troye responded.

"Don't forget this! It's to tell you when your food is ready to serve!" She said placing what seemed like a button or something on the table. Troye pulled out his phone and  scrolled through tumblr. I mean, what else would I do if I was THAT bored? I honestly don't think it would take long for our food to be made. But any excuse to get on tumblr was a good excuse! "Hey are you gay?" a women asked, poking Troye.

"Yea, why?"

"Well you shouldn't, good luck on going to hell, faggot. Pretty sure god wouldn't execpt someone like you. It says in the bible that gays aren't going to have a good life. I know everyone is gods children but, you're not, and neither is your faggot friend over here-"

"Escuse me, you can leave this restaurant, now," Cali said walking over to our tables.

"I'm sorry, your restaurant isn't as good, having people that are going to hell in your restaurant isn't a good idea,"

"Well we don't serve homophobic bastards like you, so therefore, you can leave, forever," Cali stated pushing the costumer out of the restaurant. "You have no permission to put your hands on me!"

"Neither do you have permission to walk up in this restaurant like that, enough is enough, leave," 

"Bitch..." The costumer said under her breath while she left Panera.

"I'm so sorry for what happened. You don't have to pay if you want to," Cali told us.

"It's fine-"

"Tilly... I want to go home, now," Troye spoken with tears filling his eyes.


Yes I said the chapter would be fluffeh, happy, and shiz, sorry if i didn't do that, please dun hate me ;~;. Yes, I was going to let you guys decide but you guys just ignored the note so, I guess not. Balls. Sorry if this sucks, not my fault I was created like this. Anyways, um, idk anymore so, bye ;D! oh wait. So tumblr updated.....

Tumblr: queen-tillyoakley

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