Chapter 26

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Tyler's POV

This is confusing and stressful at the same time. Why won't he tell me, is he scared too? Why is he scared to tell me something? I mean, he is having nightmares and voices. Are those voices telling him to to not tell me or something? I don't know, if he doesn't want to tell me, that's fine with me, I'm not mad.

"Troye... How about tomorrow, we can go anywhere you want to go," I whispered.

"A-anywhere...?" Troye stuttered.

"Yes, I have the money, tomorrow?"

"Okay..." Troye agreed.


I was sitting on the couch scrolling through tumblr as usual. Ugh, I wish people where as nice to Troye like they were to me... I don't understand, what did he do? I know I asked this a couple of times. I just want.

Wait, I have an idea. The best idea. I might get hate for it, but it's for Troye. Either I could make a fake fan account posting good tweets or comments, or just get cali's kik, for him to talk to other people, other then me.

Since, I'm busy right now, I can get Cali's kik when we go out for lunch today.

"Tilly? What's wrong?" Troye asked, walking out of my room.

"I'm fine," I replied. I didn't want to say anything el se, just keep it like this.

"I wanted to know if..."

"You chose somplace?" I asked.

"Yea...." Troye said looking down.

"It's okay, don't be embarrassed," I told him

"Well.. I kinda wanted to go to a pet shop.. I didn't want to buy anything, just wanted to look around," Troye quoted.

"Okay, that's fine," I agreed "We can go now if you want?" I suggested.

"Oh really? Okay!" Troye said sprinting back to my room. What a cute, energetic boy. It's adorable, honestly, to see him this happy. I was already dressed myself, so I guess after Troye's done, we can head on out.

After a couple of minutes, I heard the water run in the shower, I guess he was taking a shower, I mean obviously. Hopefully.

Well, it might take quite a while for Troye to get going, so I guess tumblr can pass the time.


"Tilly! I'm ready," Troye pointed out with the biggest smile of all on his face.

"Alright, come on," I said grabbing my keys.

"Actually, we can walk if you want, it's not too far down the street Troye," I asked.

"Oh okay," Troye agreed walking out th house.

What an energetic boy, I loved that. Well Tyler, we don't have all day. So I decided to follow along in Troye's steps.

It was a long walk, but it was worth it. Troye had fun, so so did I. He had the biggest smile on his face. It's been so long since I've seen him like that.

"Tilly right here!!" Troye pointed out running inside the pet store.

Wow, look at all the pets, and lucky us, the pets were on sale.

"Tilly, look at all the pets!" Troye scattered.

"Look at this Tyler.." Troye demanded.

It was a bird. Not a regular bird, this bird had no tail. It didn't look very happy to me either.It looked like it was abandoned. Maybe even just depressed. Who cares, just that bird looked lonely.

Troye started to gently pet it. That didn't seem to change it at all.

"I would adopt you, but I don't know if I can, sorry buddy,"Troye apologized.

"I never said you couldn't," I stated

"What? You mean-"

"Yes Troye, you can have it," I nodded.

Troye, excitedly, grabbed the cage from the hook and set it the front desk. I handed the nice lady the money and we took off. I wish you guys could see how happy Troye was. It was extremely contagious.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much tilly," Troye thanked.

"You're welcome. Anything to make you happy Troye," I replied.

"Please don't..." Troye whispered.

"Nothing, I'm fine, don't ask!"

What was that? That was not weird at all?

"What are you going to name it?" I wondered

"I like Lizzy," Troye answered.

"Cute, I like it," I agreed.

The bird, Lizzy, seem to make Troye extremely happy. Lizzy seemed excited herself. Maybe it was because that Lizzy was always rejected. Maybe, I don't know. Oh wait. Shit.

I have to go back and get food and water for the bird. Which means Troye will be alone.. Well, he has Lizzy, I guess, right..?

"Troye..." I hesitated. "I'm going to have to leave you home alone again in order to provide for Lizzy," 

"Okay, I have Lizzy, so I'll be fine!" Troye smiled rushing towards my apartment.

Like I said

What an energetic boy.



Tumblr: queen-tillyoakley

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