Chapter 31

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Troye's POV
A sudden feeling jotted from my body. I hopped out of my sleep like I had the most tragic nightmare ever was. From my surroundings, I realized I must've gotten rushed, Tyler, appearing to be extremely thoughtful and worried.

"You passed out in the middle of the store... Were you having nightmare?" Tyler interrogated, crawling closer to were I was.

"I don't want to talk about it...." I mumbled, looking down and twirling my fingers.

"Why did you do this Troye?" A voice mimicked.

"I didn't do it on purpose, you wanted me to," I responded.

"What are you talking about? Troye, is those voices you hear in your head?" Tyler worried.


"Then what is it, seeing you like this as much as it hurts you," Tyler admitted.

"Is it about your pet bird... I'll buy you a new one, what am I kidding, I know what it's a bout Troye," Tyler thought.

"How....?" I question with mix feeling of confused and worried.

"Is it this?" Tyler wondered, yanking out a collar from under the bed, along with a cord.

Why does he have that? Under the bed? Will he use it?

"What? Why do you have that?" I worried, backing up from the bed.

"I won't use it..." Tyler paused, putting it on a shelf. "I found this when I was introduced to the apartment, but I won't use it"

He picked the collar back up and started walking closer towards me, what does he think he's about to do with that?

"What, what do you plan on doing with that Tyler?!"

"Troye, even for all the money in the world, I wouldn't use this on you,"

"How do I know that???"

"Because....." he dropped it, and kicked farther away from where he was.

"Do you believe me now?" Tyler questioned.

I don't know? Do I? For all I know this could be an illusion my brain is-

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