Chapter 23

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Troye's POV (His nightmare)

"Troye? Troye wake up, Are you okay?" Tyler said shaking me senseless.

"I'm okay.. I'm fine.." I answered pulling up from my position slowly.

"I made breakfast it's on the table," Tyler said walked towards the dining room.

"I'm not hungry..."


"I'm not hungry...." I spoken again.

"I seriously just cooked all that food and your telling me, you're not hungry? Are you serious? Just get away from me.." Tyler said.


"Get out, I said. I'm not going to sit here and waist my fucking money on you selfish bastard.."


"TROYE GET OUT," Tyler yelled pushing me out his apartment. Why? I didint mean too.. I wasn't hungry, stupid bitch Troye. God Damon it Troye.. now you lost him..forever. I have nobody, but Cali. Ill probably lose her to.I wish that overdose actually worked.. what do I do. No money.. I just-

"Troye? It's going to be okay, I'm right here," A voice like Tylers said pulling me closer for a hug.

"Please don't make me leave...." I said crying in his chest.

"I won't do that Troye.. Not ever in my lifetime," He responded hugging me tighter.


"Hold on," Tyler said reaching towards his phone. He wouldn't tell me who did, or what it said. His face looked so worried too. Like something major happened.

"Oh my god..." Tyler said let going of me to hold his phone.

"What..?" I asked looking at his phone. 

"No, don't look!" He yelled moving his phone away from me.

"Don't touch your phone, if you do, don't touch Twitter. I'm so fucking serious, don't touch you phone or Twitter," Tyler demanded, walking over towards my phone.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

"Deleting your twitter," He answered not even moving a muscle.

I didn't even answer. I didn't care because of all the hate anyways. I actually need to delete all social media possible. Yes that also meant tumblr and youtube, but what was he hiding from me..? That's my question I need to answer, b-

"Troye how about you get some rest okay?" Tyler suggested pushing me into his room.


Then the door was slammed shut. What was going on that was this important? Did he have an important call or something? I don't understand why he would do this. He nows good and well when I'm alone I can't handle it. The voices.. I just hope they don't come in min-

He left you

He doesn't like you anymore

he's abandoning you don't trust him helpless bitch

He fucking hates you

"Stop IT GOD DAMN IT!" I yelled squeezing my ears tight.

We're not going to stop fucking pussy

He's going to fucking leave bitch!

He wants you to make more cuts!

"No he doesn't..." I whispered. The only way to get rid of these harsh voices is too hurt myself. It works every time. Maybe the voices are right. I should listen to them more..

I walked opened the door knob of Tyler's room, slowly as possible, and sneaked in the bathroom. I grabbed the package opener and rolled up my sleeve.

I shouldn't be doing this..I thought.

Yes you should

Do it bitch

Fucking hurt yourself.


I slowly slid the razor on my skin making many cuts and blood gushing out of my arm. It was painful.. but anything to keep those negative thoughts away. I shouldn't be doing this.. Like I said. I kept me happy though, those thoughts escaped my min-

Fuck you make more


Tyler fucking hates you bastard.

I don't understand, they're supposed to be gone, I don't know what to do. 

I made more cuts faster, and they just kept going... I didn't know what to do, I made atleast 15 cuts.. What will Tyler say? What if he kicks me out the house? No... what have I done. I don't, he's going to leave me again and not come back. I fucked up. Now I have no family, no friends nothing.. I don't know what to do. Make more cuts. That'll make me happy-

"Okay Troye, I'm sorry I kept you wai- Troye..?"

This is it...


I'm sorry I'm really tired And i need to go to sleep so ya, bye <3

Dark (A troyler fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora