Chapter 2

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Tyler's POV

Shit, am I really still awake? It's fucking 4:00 and I'm still awake.... I'm probably not the only one. If I had asked all my fans if they could relate, a simple yes would come from them... I mean, just one click of tumblr's sign in button, and I'm hooked. Tumblr is like meth dressed as a website. I can't get off of it...

Not only was I scrolling through tumblr, I was also reading.... my youtube comments. Some where bad, some where good. But most of them where good, and when there is a bad one, all of my fans hate on them until he/she says "Fuck this I'm done with all of you..." 

Besides, hate comments = omfg I'm so jealous let me just hate on you. Pretty fucking accurate. While scrolling and talking to myself I realize it's fucking 4:20..... What has the Internet done to me? Then finally, my phone rang. 

"Who the fuck is calling me at this hour?" I whispered. 


"Tilly?" Troye said.

Oh shit, what's wrong, why is he calling me at 4:30? Well Tyler why don't you ask him?

"Why are you calling me in 4 in the morning?"

"I'm sorry Tilly! I had a nightmare, I needed someone beside me, I felt alone, just please..." Troye trailed off.

Seeing him, or even IMAGINING him like this is horrible. 

"OK babe, I'm coming, for now just lay down and maybe watch some T.V. OK?"

"K, Tilly," He responded.

Would he mind if I went in my pajamas? I mean all I'm doing is going to his hotel.. Well who cares. I'll just keep my fox pajamas on because, why not? So I grabbed my keys and I went to my car. Ugh it was so dark outside. Oh no shit Tyler it's 4:35 AM.....

So, I got in my car and started it up. Pretty glad that Troye's close, I don't have as much gas. 


Wait... What room number is Troye, ah fuck. So I decided to text Troye and ask!

What's your room#?

329 He responded.

Well, know I know. And um... oddly, the doors where still opened. This late and the doors aren't locked? Well, I guess I'm lucky? Anyways, I rushed over to the elevator and pushed level 3. I ran, quietly, to Troye's room. I didn't even get to knock, he just knew. Oh my god, he looked terrible. 

His eyes where baggy and puffy from what I guess crying.

He looked numb, almost paralyzed. I felt so bad for him, seeing him like this was terrible.

"Babe are you OK?" 

"No..." He said.... shaking?

"What's wrong?" 

"I had a nightmare Til-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he collasped and I caught him before he even set foot on his floor. 

"Troye what's wrong, you need too lay down,"

"Tilly, I'm fine..."

"Not exactly.... you're passing out!" I pointed out. "Come on you need to get some sle-"

"No you don't understand Tilly! I don't want to go back to sleep, know where near sleep! Those nightmares feel so real, I cry every night and every morning just because of those nightmares!" 

"But I can sleep with you, you won't be alone, I promise, just please trust me Troye... you need rest,"

"Fine" he groaned.

Since I was already in my pajamas, we can just hop in bed! Right when he got in bed, he fell asleep.  But then he started shaking.... having a nightmare? I hugged him and got a little closer, then he stopped. I promised him, and I didn't brake it.


OMG I'VE SEEN YOU GUYS COMMENTS THANK YOU SO MUCH :D!!! You guys are so nice ^^!!!! Thanks for all the great comments :D! You guys are awesome omg!! Ok I'm sorry, I got excited. Well, who cares :D! FIND ME ON TUMBLR ^^!

Tumblr: queen-tillyoakley

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