Chapter 4

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Tyler's POV

I finally convinced Troye too get sleep. I stood there in bed with my arms rapped around his stomach wide awake for at least 2 hours. I might be a little over protective... a lot.... But it pains me to see him shake like that having a nightmare.

But he's been fine for 2 hours now, I think now he was having a dream. So I decided to get some rest myself. But, before I could even have my eyelids have contact with each other, the bed started shaking violently. 

I thought it was a earthquake guessing that we're in California. It seemed pretty severe so I had to wake up Troye immediately. Then was when it realized it wasn't even a earthquake. It was Troye. Why was he shaking so violently? It seemed like he was having a seizure. But at the same time he was crying extremely hard and saying,

"My fault! No No! My fault!"

He twisted and turned rapidly. What am I doing just standing here? I need to wake him up!

"Troye! Wake up! Are you ok? You were crying and shaking!" I said shaking him. I pulled him up from his laying down and set him in my arms. His hands where on my chest, crying on my shirt. I felt so bad, I know I shouldn't I've never felt like this before, but I've had a family member who did this.

"No..." Troye said. It blended with his crying, I don't know how I even heard that... It was so hoarse.

"Tilly.. I have these little voices in my head, they don't stop, a-and I don't know how to fix it, they go on, that's why I said no, one voice told me to hurt you..." Troye quoted. "They'll sometimes take over me... I wish they could stop..." He said when a little tear trickled down his eye.

"It's OK, Troye," I said planting a kiss on his forehead. "How about, in the morning, we can take a little trip to Starbucks for breakfast?" 

"Sure Tilly!" The sound of that made him so happy. It even made me smile seeing him like that. If he was happy I wanted him to stay happy. Which means, I did NOT want him back to sleep.

"Can I stay up? I really don't feel like going back too sleep..." Troye asked.

"No problem, I don't want you back to sleep as well, Troye," I responded. 

Finally I could get the rest I wanted. But it was used up for a good reason. I lay down and got the rest I requested...


Shit was It really that long ago I fell asleep? It was 5:30 in the morning when I went to sleep, It's now 9:42. What the actual fuck. But something else that was awkward... Troye wasn't in bed.. I heard water running. What am I thinking, he's probably taking a shower. Uhh, maybe I should check...

I knocked on the door, "Babe you ok?" I asked.

"Yea, just taking a shower Tilly," He responded. 

Oh thank goodness... I thought he started his habit again.... Don't worry about it Tyler.. Anyways, since Troye was in the show I decided to get prepared for my turn in the shower. Maybe, Just maybe today Troye's depression will go away!


OMG GUYS I AM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING SO I AM UPLOADING TWO CHAPTERS C:!!! YAY :D!!!! I like balls. Ok sorry for it being so late, I got distracted by watching youtube/tumblr.  So I reread my fanfic, you guys really like this crap. Omg my fanfics are horrible... Maybe it's because I am the one who made it. Physics. Anyways, see you next chapter. *wink* BYEEEEE

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