Chapter 27

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Troye's POV

Finally I had something, or someone who was like me. Different. I didn't care if it was a bird without a tail, If I can be alone with Lizzy, I feel comfortable. Yes this may sound weird, but I don't have any other friends that will "babysit" me just so I don't hurt myself. I shouldn't even have to not be left home alone. I should make others feel like I'm saf-


What? What is that supposed to mean? What do they mean by prepare? I'm scared.. What? Am I going to die? What about Tilly or even Lizzy...

"Troye? I'm leaving okay?" Tyler stated stepping out the door.

"Kay Tilly," I responded.

He then soon walked out of the door, closing it behind him.

I finally didn't have the sudden urge to cut myself anymore.. Usually the voices will come in mind and-

"Troye, I'm back!" Tyler yelled opening the door.

Oh good, but that was quick? Now that I think of it, he didn't even get any food, or water? What is that in his hands. Is that... a pet collar??

"Um.. Tilly what is that for...?" I hesitated.

"Just put it on.." Tyler demanded handing me the collar.

"Tilly.. It's an electric collar... Why did you buy this...?"

"I'll put it on, or you?"

So I just put it on. I don't understand why he was doing this. Wait... is this. What was he doing?? Lizzy?? Tyler opened the cage grabbing Lizzy carelessly. What was he doing..?

"No be carefu-" Then the collar gave the most painful shock in the whole universe. You may think i'm exaggerating, but I'm not. It hurt so bad, I was screaming, crying, my neck felt paralyzed. Why as he doing this...?

"Please just be car-" Again! He shocked me with the powerful collar. Paralyzing my neck making it hard to breathe. It hurt so bad I felt passed out on the floor.

"TROYE WAKE UP!!" Somebody yelled shaking me.

"Troye? Troye? What's wrong with your neck? Do you need to go to the hospital? Are you okay? Can you move??" Tyler blurted.

I can't m-


SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER PLEASE STILL LOVE ME <3!!!! I love you guys. AND WE GOT TOO 3K!!! Comment, Like it, Share it <3!!

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