Chapter 25

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Troye's POV.

I woken up too Tyler snoring with his arms pulling me in. It was like I just fallen asleep all the sudden..How though, how did I not have that nightmare again...? I would explain it, but I just can't right now.. Every time I think about it,



~Flashback Over~

Cringe.. It would come in mind in times where I would be with Tyler. Or even just out somewhere. I get the most realistic flashbacks at the most random times, and every second of my life I worry it'll come up. The thing is.. they're extremely realistic, they fit in with whats going on in real life..

"Troye..?" Tyler mumbled.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Are you okay...?" Tyler responded.

I should lie.. No don't..


"No, I'm not.." I answered honestly trying to hold back on crying.


"Not okay god damn it! You deserve it!" Tyler yelled

"Huh, what?" I jumped.

"What? I said it's okay..." Tyler said pulling me upwards from the bed.

"Troye whats going on..." He asked me looking dead in the eye.

"Nothing I'm fine..." I started to lie.

"But you just said you're not okay....?"

"I am,Okay?" I stated raising my voice higher then usual. 

"Whatever you say..." Tyler said getting up from the bed.

I hated to lied to him, but at the same time, I didn't like making him upset.. He shouldn't have to do anything to keep me happy, that's my job. Who cares. As long as he believed me, right..? No Troye.. you shouldn't be lying like that, but I can't do anything else.. What's my their option..?

Honestly, I don't know why he's so worried about me.. I mean, other then cutting, nightmares, my head... Other then that, I'm okay. Honestly Troye..? You mean to tell yourself that being depressed is okay? Wait, is that why he is so worried? I can take care of it my self though.. I'll stop.. I just need, time.

 What are you talking about Troye, you'll never stop useless cunt.

Ignore them Troye... Don't let them get into you. See, you got this.. You can do this!

No you fucking can't you bitch.

Just ignore them Troye.. Ignore them.. It's okay.

No it's fucking not you dick, go fucking cut yourself.

Okay... I will. No you won't, if Tyler sees you cutting again, I swear it's going to be all your fault if you get kicked out Troye.

Tyler doesn't even listen to you, you cunt

That's It. No Troye. Just go to Tyler, he'll help you... right? Yes Troye you can..

"Troye...? Are you okay...? You've been in bed for a long time awake..." Tyler asked, poking his head head around the door..

Don't lie...

"No..." I mumbled letting out a cry.

"Why..? What's wrong Troye...?" Tyler asked walking over to my side of the bed.

"I don't know..." I cried.

"Come here Troye,"  Tyler demanded, grabbing my arm.

Eventually, I rapped my arms around his waist while he put his arm on my shoulder, bringing me closer.

I started to cry extremely hard, even getting some tears on his shoulder. Tyler's not mad? Why...? He's supposed to be...

"What the hell Troye... Seriously? My fucking shirt!!" Tyler yelled.

"Sorry... I'm sorry. Don't leave, please, sorry-"

"Troye? I didn't even say anything," Tyler spoke.

"Oh, sorry, sorry," I apologized again. God damn it Troye stop it!

"It's okay Troye," Tyler promised hugging me tighter.

"Troye, what's going on in there?" Tyler asked.

"Nothing...." I lied.

 Stop it Troye. Don't lie anymore... You can't go around lying.

Keep lying to that bitch

"No...." I cried.

Why do they keep doing this..? Is it because I'm lying? No that's not it... They want me to lie, they want me to hurt myself... Yoou shouldn't listen to them Troye, but hurting myself is the only way to drive them away... Sometimes it won't even work so I have to try harder... The thing is..

What's with the flashbacks...?


Hi guys, sorry fr not uploaded so long. I know you guys still have no idea what is dream, i'll explain... soon.... Sorry, not. Anyways, I hope you guys like it because I read this and it was shit, idk how you guys like it, but i like the compliments though. Anyways, ILYSM GUYS <3

Tumblr: queen-tillyoakley

BTW: For those who never got that post on there dash yet, somebody commented on Tyler's video saying:

You know how ppl say ily and sometimes say it like lly, what if tilly meant Tyler I love you???

Let that sink in <3

Dark (A troyler fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora