Chapter 14

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Tyler's POV

"STOP IT!!!" I head Troye yell banging across my room. What was going on? I thought he was in bed? How did being in bed turn into banging against the walls? And might I add yelling? How you go check dumbass! I thought. I ran towards my room only to see Troye yelling and running around the room. Troye was sliding against the wall crying with his ears plugged in. He was also banging his head against the wall repeatedly. "NO NO STOP IT!!!" He yelled.

"Troye calm down!!" I yelled running towards him.

"NO YOU HATE ME DON'T YOU? LEAVE ME ALONE!" Troye yelled running towards the bathroom. He ran into the bathroom slamming the door and skimming through cabinets.

"Troye, what are you doing in there?" I asked.

"Nothing....." Troye answered crying even harder.

"Just open the-" I heard rattling noises. Oh no, he's trying to overdose.... I opened the door and tried to take the pills aways from him.

"NO STOP IT!!" Troye yelled pulling it back. We both had a little tug of war with the bottle until it finally busted open. Troye tried grabbing all the pills and throwing them in his mouth. He let, I let him at least swallow 7 before I decided to make a move. "NO TROYE STOP!" I yelled swiping the pills away. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Troye yelled trying to get more. I pulled him up towards me and held him in my arms.

"STOP IT, I WANNA DIE PLEASE!!" Troye yelled trying to escape. He squirmed yelling and crying until he stopped.. No... it was fading.... he stopped and his eyes weren't open.. He sat there in my arms. What do I do? TROYE ISN'T FUCKING DOING ANYTHING AND HE JUST TOOK PILLS. HE OVERDOSED. I ran over towards my phone dialing 911.

Operator how may I help you?


HI BITCHES. I'm just kidding, I love you guys. Anyways, sorry for the cliffhanger, I made it up not releasing a chapter after 2-3 days.... I'm sorry ;-;. I hope you guys love it so far. Btw, I'm planning another fanfic, i already have it planned! I hope it isn't as shitty as this one though, pray for me C:! UPDATE UPDATE!!!! THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE APART OF CHAPTER 13, BUT IDK WHAT HAPPENED SO I MADE IT CHAPTER 14, DON'T GET EXCITED WHEN I POST THIS, CHAPTER 15 WILL BE THE REAL UPDATE!!!

Tumblr: queen-tillyoakly

Dark (A troyler fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat