Chapter 18

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Troye's POV

I was completely exhausted after taking that medicine Tyler gave me. Maybe that medicine Tyler gave me was for the night only.. I mean, it is midnight, I'm guessing the nurses gave me night medicine to help me fall asleep, but it doesn't seem to be working.. I am sleepy, but I can't go to sleep. It's like I took a nap today, which I didn't. At the same time... I don't want to go to sleep, and right now Tyler things I'm sleep.. We're laying back to back of each other. I can see the light from his phone too. I know if I made one peep he wou-

"Troye? Are you sleep..?" Tyler asked.

I don't know... Should I lie? No.. Tell the truth Troye...

"No.." I answered. "I can't really fall asleep..." 

"Why not?"

"I don't know Tyler why don't you ask my brain..."

"Troye... I was just asking..." Tyler mumbled rolling back over.

"Wait! Shit.. I'm sorry, god damn it... I'm sorry please don't leave..."

"Leave? Troye this is my house, and i'll never leave you.." Tyler whisper hugging me. "Troye? What do you mean by not being able to fall asleep," 

"I'm tired, but I can't go to sleep, I'll just keep tossing and turning..."

"You know what, we should do a collaboration..."

''Tyler.. I don't have any subscribers,"

" I know, I'll fix that,"


I woke up suddenly with the other side of the bed completely dark and empty. I also sensed some clashing in the kitchen... he must be cooking. 

I procrastinated and waited on the side of my bed for a couple of minutes before I hopped out of bed. I paced over towards the kitchen continuing of the yawning and stretching.

"You're awake!" Tyler announced.

"Today's Tuesday, so I was thinking if we could do a collab after we go out with Zoe and Alfie?"

"But.. I didn't even know, and also-"

"Shit, that was supposed to be a surprise, act like your surprised," Tyler chuckled while serving breakfast.

"Wait, so what's going to be about...?" I questioned. Tyler just sat there, like a stone wall.. It made it seem like my question was the hardest question to answer. Did I mess up?

"Well.. What I was going to do is show what people did to you, how much words can hurt and cause...." Tyler mumbled.

"Oh..." I answered trying to leave the situation.

We're going to Panera at 4:00 if you don't mind, to eat with Zoe and Alfie,"

"I'm fine with that, no problem at all..." I lied, again.

It was going to be a very big problem eating with Zoe and Alfie... I mean, not to make it obvious, I would talk to them or even pretend to be on my phone. I still don't think they like me anymore or if they'll ever apologize... I mean.. Never assume Troye. You never know what's going to happen, you don't know if they will apologize, but if they don't... I don't have as much best friends as Tyler does... I lost many of them, and boyfriends.. I just don't know if I want to go or not... I-

"What's wrong?" Tyler asked taking a place next to me.

"What do you mean, I'm fine,"

"Troye, Really? I know you better then you know yourself, you're not okay, " Tyler qouted.

"I am okay, I just have a headache,"

"That's not okay Troye, but I'll get some medicine,"

"It's gone now...." I hesitated.

"Troye... Please tell me what's wrong..." Tyler said pulling me in for a hug.

"To be honest... I don't know if Alfie and Zoe still like me.. If they ignore me for the whole lunch..." I mumbled.

"I'm pretty sure they'll apologize Troye," 

"You promise?"

"I promise,"

~At 4:00~

Tyler and I were both rushing to get out the door because we both fell asleep on the couch while talking. It was horrible, I didn't look presentable and Tyler spent 10 minutes in the bathroom doing his hair. I mean, he's Tyler, what else?

"Come on Troye, we're already 5 minutes late!" Tyler said rushing towards his car keys.

"I'm coming, I can't go as fast as you can Tilly," I chuckled.

~At Panera~

"What took you guys so long! We've been waiting here for I don't know how long!" Alfie joking said hugging us both.

"Don't worry, we already have a table!" Zoe said cheerfully.

Tyler and I took are seats and picked up the menus. I wish I was a kid, those chicken tenders sound good, but of course, I have to be fucking 19. Wait, it never said anything about being, Troye really?

"Why were you guys late?" Zoe asked braking the silence.

"Troye and I fell asleep at around 2 or 3," Tyler responded.

"Oh, that's good enough," Zoe commented giggling. 

"Here's your water and- Tyler? Troye?" 

"Cali!" I yelled reaching out for a hug.

"ou guys can have food for free I'll pay,"

"Really, you would do that?" Zoe questioned.

"Sure thing! My pleasure," Cali said walking over to get. our water.

"Here you guys go! Are you ready to order?"

"Not yet, but thanks!" Tyler stated.

Wow, wait.. Zoe and Alfie...? They never apologized, they never even talked to me. Not once... I don't want to be here anymore.. Tyler broke a promise.. again. If they don't like me I don't want to be here. I rather be here alone then with someone that dislikes me...

"Tyler.. I want to go home... now...." I pleaded

"Why what's wrong?" Tyler questioned.

"I just want to go home..." I said getting up from my chair and not saying a word. Neither did Tyler.. not one word... It was silent, no bye's either... We just left...

"You broke it.." 


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