Chapter 27

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The rest of the day went by really fast and by the time it was 6:30PM I was exhausted.
We were back in the car and my head was resting against the window.
We had been driving through Whangarei for a little while now.
Apparently, hotels were not that easy to find here.
I looked out of the window, helping Luke with his search.
‘What about over there?’ I asked, pointing to my right.
Luke looked at what I was pointing at but he shook his head.
‘That’s a dead end. You can just try and get some sleep if you want, I’ll wake you up once I found something.’ he answered.
I just smiled at him and shook my head, lifting it up from the window.
‘No, I’m good.’
We drove for about 10 more minutes before Luke sighed and parked his car on the side of the road.
Right in front of an hotel.
‘I’ll go see if they have a room left alright? I’ll be right back.’ Luke said.
I nodded and watched as he got out of the car and walked inside the building.
It was a very big building with lots and lots of windows. I couldn’t imagine it being completely full.
I patiently waited for Luke to come back and when he did he smiled at me, waving for me to get out of the car.
He walked to the trunk and opened it. We grabbed the stuff we needed and walked to our room.
‘They only had rooms left with one bed again,’ Luke said, opening the door. ‘So I’ll just sleep on the couch like last time’
‘No that’s okay, we can just share it.’ I answered.
‘Are you sure?’ he asked.
I nodded and tiredly dropped myself on the bed.
‘Are we going to just order pizza again?’ I asked.
‘yeah sure,’ Luke said. ‘I’ll go and get us something, you want the usual?’
I nodded and thanked him.
Luke just smiled at me and told me he’d be back in about half an hour.
He walked out of the door and I made my way to the bathroom.
Maybe a shower would wake me up a little.


By the time I was done taking a shower, Luke came back with the pizza’s, completely oblivious to the fact that I was, again, standing in nothing more than a towel.
‘I have pizza’ I he said, his back still turned to me as he closed the door.
‘yaay’ I answered, searching the bag for my pyjamas. ‘let me just get some clothes on and I’ll be back’ I mumbled.
Luke turned around with furrowed eyebrows.
‘again?’ he laughed.
I smiled and him, my cheeks probably bright red by now.
‘Sorry, I didn’t think you’d be back yet’ I answered.
‘I said half an hour and it’s been like, 40 minutes’
‘how am I supposed to know that? There’s no clock hanging in here or anything’ I grinned.
I walked back to the bathroom and dropped the towel so I could get changed.
‘right,’ Luke said, ‘maybe you should just get a phone so you can see the time and so I can tell you how long it’ll be before I’m back’
I opened the door once I was dressed and used another towel to continue drying my hair.
‘I’ve never had a phone before’ I said, slightly embarrassed.
Luke was sat on the couch, flicking through the channels of the TV.
‘I didn’t expect you to, but it might come in handy now that you’re actually going outside.’
I nodded and took my pizza off the table.
‘maybe yeah’ 

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