➷ New brother | Kamado Tanjirou

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竈門 炭治郎

!! not romance !!

reader is a demon just like Nezuko!
you can't really talk too, since you became a demon not long ago and haven't got used to it


Tanjirou approached the smell cautiously, hands gripping onto his sword.

"Nezuko, I'm going to put you here for a while, okay?" Tanjirou said, since it was night time, Nezuko pop out of the box a little, showing her head and nodding.

Tanjirou gulped as he continue walking into the direction.

He was expecting to find a demon, feeding on a human like usual, but instead, he found a small demon kid staring up at him innocently.

He lowered his sword in confusion, he can smell that this demon have not eaten any human yet, nor does she give a threatening aura.

She was just like Nezuko.

He couldn't bear to kill such innocent being.

Tanjirou squat down as he smiled at you, waving.

"Hello...what's your name?" he asked softly.

You stare at him for a second, your now deceased human brother's image came into your mind, resulting you to burst into tears.

Tanjirou panicked as he look around frantically, trying to find ways to calm you down.


How do you stop a demon cry?

He slowly pick you up, rubbing your back softly and patting your head, you eventually stopped.

So she like head pats...

Tanjirou unconsciously smiled at your cute form.

You took a twig that was lying on the ground, then begin to write words on the mud.

Tanjirou look at the words you're writing with a curious gaze.

"Demon..." Tanjirou quietly mumbled, you couldn't write a full sentence, so you decided to write key words for him to understand.


Tanjirou's eyes soften as he now understands what you're trying to say, he look at you, who was now gripping onto his uniform tightly, tears brimmed your eyes.

Then an idea pop up in his mind, his eyes lit up as he look at you, you stare back, curious.

"I have something to show you!" he said as he slowly carry you to the box.

"Y/N..." you quietly mumbled.

"Y/N? That's your name? Hello, Y/N! I'm Tanjirou" he send you a warm smile.

"Nezuko," he call out softly as he knock onto the wooden box, the door slowly opened as you see a girl slowly coming out, you cling onto Tanjirou as she send you a glare, a growl came out of her mouth.

"It's alright! It's alright... this is Nezuko, my littler sister!" Tanjirou said as he patted your head once more.

"Nezuko, this is Y/N, don't worry! She's not dangerous at all" Tanjirou calmly said as Nezuko slowly ceased her growl and glare, now staring at you curiously.

Tanjirou can't help but scream inside at how cute the scene is, two little demons, staring at each other innocently.


Nezuko then throw herself at you, wrapping her arms around your small form, she let out a satisfied hum as she nuzzle her head into your neck.

You let out a yelp of surprise, before calming down and slowly hug her back.

Tanjirou smiled as he watch the two kid in his arms,

"Y/N, I can be your new brother!" he said as Nezuko pulled away slightly, then nod approvingly.

"And Nezuko here can be your new sister!"

Your lips trembled as tears of joy begin forming, you lunge yourself at him to give him a tight hug, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground, Nezuko joined as Tanjirou chuckled, patting both yours and Nezuko's head.

Now he just have to find an explanation to the Demon Slaying Corps.


"I DIDN'T GET KICKS AND PUNCHES FROM THAT BOAR HEAD LAST TIME JUST TO PROTECT THAT BOX OF YOURS AND LET YOU HAVE ANOTHER CUTE GIRL IN THERE" Zenitsu screamed as he swung his sword at Tanjirou, Tanjirou quickly dodged as he tried to explain,

"Zenitsu! Listen-!"


You sat on the floor beside Nezuko, looking at her confused, she shrugged, indicating she's clueless too.

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