➷ Embarrassed | Kamado Tanjirou

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竈門 炭治郎

𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲:

𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲:

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Here you are, sitting in front of your crush, as much as you want to focus on the conversation, you just can't.

He look too cute.

His eyes big and sparkling, and whenever he describes something, his hands would move around, and not to mention, his voice.

His calm voice always made you at ease,

and that smile, oh that god damn smile.

You've always admire him secretly, hiding your feelings away from him, and of course, everyone else.

So you really couldn't process what's happening when your lips is suddenly on his.

Two pair of wide eyes stare into each other, you were so embarrassed that you failed to notice the blush on Tanjirou's cheeks.

Just as he were about to put his hands on your waist, you quickly stood up.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" you look around frantically, not wanting to meet his eyes.

Before he know it, you have already sprinted away, confusion washed over his face.


Two days, you've been successfully avoiding him for two days now. Although you're yearning to see him, you managed to stop yourself.

It has been reported that Zenitsu, Inosuke and Tanjirou are being treated in the Butterfly Estate, you've gone to visit the other two, but not Tanjirou.

You just couldn't bring yourself to do it, especially not after that incident.

"Y/N," a voice called out to you, you turn around to see the Insect Pillar, Kochou Shinobu.

"Yes?" you asked politely.

"Would you please help me take this meal to room 5? The others are busy and I have a mission to go to" she gave you a smile, she sensed your hesitation and voiced out once more,

"Don't worry, it's not Tanjirou's room" she smiled once again and hold the tray of meal out to you, while you sighed in relief, taking it gladly.

Somehow, she found it all out, but you didn't think much about it since she isn't someone who would snitch.

Just someone who would help you solve the problem.

Sliding open the door, you halted as you stood frozen in the room,

Shinobu that-!

Tanjirou look towards you, his eyes widened a little but then soon give you a closed eye smile.

"I...I think I'm in the wrong room-" just as you turn around, Shinobu's face came in as she slide the door shut rather harshly, smiling.

Your grip on the tray became tighter as an irk mark appeared on your forehead.

"Y/N?" but his voice soon calmed you down, it always did.

Guess you have no choice.

You turn around again, slowly walking to him and placing the tray on the small table beside his bed, you refuse to make eye contact with him.

After quickly placing it down, you turn on your heels and walk out, until a warm hand gripped on your wrist softly.

Your breath hitched as you let out a sudden yelp, it didn't really hurt, it just caught you off guard.

"Sorry! Did I hurt you?" Tanjirou's worried voice filled the room as he loosened his grip on you, but then pulled you closer to him, which made you stand beside his bed again.

"Why are you avoiding me?" he asked frowning.

Did he seriously just ask you that? Wasn't it obvious enough? Or did he forget about it already...?

"You're not embarrassed about that day, are you?" he asked, a small smile forming as he look at your now flustered form.

"I- no-!" you take a step backwards, already panicking.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, you know" he gave you another smile which caught you off guard.

He hold your hand while carefully pulling you close to him, softly pressing a sweet kiss on your lips.

Your eyes wide as you stare at him, his eyes were closed, a small smile and a faint red appeared on his face after he have pulled away.

Did he just-?

"Can you feed me?" he asked, you snapped back into reality.

"Y-Yea..." slowly taking the tray in your hands, you sat on the bed, legs dangling as you place the tray on your lap.

"Mhm~ so good" he exclaimed while chewing the food with his eyes closed, a smile visible as he patted your head, you could only look down and blush.

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