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"Babe, I have no idea how to fix a portal. I'm an actor, remember." Double Trouble posed for her. 

Catra rolled her eyes. "So where are you taking me on our . . . date?" 

"You'll find out soon enough." Double Trouble said, grinning. 

Catra went back to picking through pieces and trying to figure out the notes in the computer. 

"Hi." A familiar voice said. 

Catra gasped and screamed in surprise. She spun to see Entrapta. "Double Trouble this is not funny!" 

"Kitten, I'm still in my new chair." Double Trouble said. 

Catra looked up and looked back at the real Entrapta. "Look I know you hate me." 

"Yep, sure do, but I wanna help." Entrapta said, looking at the computer with her simulations on it. "Why are you wanting to build a new portal?" 

Double Trouble came walking over to them. They twirled their white hair around a finger curiously. "Yes, I know we haven't properly met, so you're the Entrapta Hordak cared for." 

Entrapta's pink eyes welled with tears. "He really cared?" 

"Yeah, before he got reconditioned by Prime he did." Catra said. 

"I thought I saw a glimpse of it in battle too." Entrapta said as her hair wiped away her tears. "I need focus and something to do. I'll start on the new portal and you two go do something else. Come back tomorrow." 

Double Trouble smiled at Entrapta, "Yes, lovely lady tomorrow we'll chat." 


The alliance was arguing over what to do next. 

Mermista and SeaHawk were sharing a pint of cookies-n-cream and sitting very close together. They were whispering and laughing together. 

Bow and the others kept turning around, hoping they'd join the important arguments. 

"Mer . . . Hawk, what do you think?" Glimmer stumbled over their names. 

They both looked at her strangely. Then they looked at each other, blushing. 

"Yeah, let's go with that." Glimmer said, "MerHawk, what do you think?" 

Mermista nodded, "Okay, I'm good with the plan." She said, not knowing what it was. 

SeaHawk smiled awkwardly, "I - guess it's a good plan." 

Glimmer deeply frowned. "Quit flirting with each other and listen." 

Mermista got all weird and stood up. "I have no idea what you're talking about." 

Frosta pointed out, "You two are eating ice cream together and sharing a spoon like two people in love would." 

SeaHawk's face was so red as he licked the spoon. Mermista was fully blushing too. 

Glimmer went to grab Mermista's arm. "You need to come and listen." 


 Double Trouble and Catra took a skiff to the Crimson Waste.

"And why are we here?" Catra complained. She looked at the poisionous plants and knew there was quicksand nearby. 

"This place is peaceful to me. It's home. This and The Valley of the Lost. And it's quiet for the most part." Double Trouble said to her. "Just being alone with you is enough for me."

"I like you, but I just don't think I can like you more than a friend." Catra said, knowing she was hurting their feelings. 

"I see the real you. I see the girl that longs for love and a deeper meaning to life. Your acting sucks by the way. I don't see the others can't see through you." Double Trouble said, taking Catra's right hand. She tried yanking it away, but they held onto it. "These hands are full of suppressed anger. They want to hurt, to hit and destroy to a point. Then again these hands long to be held gingerly." 

Collection of She-ra  stories! #oneshotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz