Part 17: Jim

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*Hayley's POV*

    Just a rundown. Amy is dead, so is Ed. Not too sad about him. But, I still feel bad for Sophia even though he hurt her.

    Daddy and the other adults are making me and the other kids stay in the RV while they clean up the bodies outside. They don't want us to see all of it. And, so we stay out of the way.

I was sitting at the table with Carl, Sophia was reading a book by herself sitting in the drivers seat, and Eliza and Louis were playing cards together on the floor

Lori and Carol are watching us, and Lori was just sitting on the couch thing, holding Maddie and looking out the window. Carol was looking out the RV doors window with her arms crossed and leaning on the wall, I could tell she was upset.

"I'm gonna go check on Sophia, Carl. I'll be right back." I tell Carl and stand up. He doesn't say anything so I just walk over to where Sophia is.

I tap on her shoulder. She jumps but then turns around.

"Hey Hayley." She says monotonously.

"Hi Sophia, are ya okay?" I ask she just nods her head. "Ok, we'll do ya wanna play somethin'? I'm sure Eliza and Louis will let us play cards with 'em if you want." I say.

"No Hayley, I'm sorry I just want to be left alone." She answers politely. I nod and walk over to the Morales kids and join their game of old maid.

I then see Carol walk out the RV and close the door behind her. I don't think much of it though.

*Daryl's POV*

I was killing the dead campers so they wouldn't reanimate and we could move them to clean up camp.

I'm about to kill Ed's corpse, when Carol walks over to me.

"I'll do it he's my husband." She tells me. I feel bad for her so I just hand her the pickaxe.

She cries while she hits him the first time. I think she is done but as I go to take a step towards her she starts hitting him again and again and AGAIN.

I don't blame her, he did abuse her and her little girl.

She stands up straight, wipes her own tears, and then hands me the pickaxe back. She says thanks to me. I nod, and then she walks back into the RV with the kids as Lori is walking out.

I see her walk over to Andrea, who is still sitting over her younger sister.

She tries to talk to Andrea but it looks like it didn't work. She is ignored. After Lori's attempt to get her to move or talk failed she left Andrea and Amy and walked over to the fire where Dale, And Shane are who are then joined by Rick. They aren't to far away so I can hear their conversation.

"She still won't move?" Rick asks.

"She won't even talk to us. She's been there all night. What do we do?" Lori tells him. I roll my eyes we just get rid of the dead girl ourselves, it's too dangerous to keep her alive.

"Can't just leave Amy like that. We need to deal with it. Same as the others." Shane says, I never thought I would agree with the guy.

"I'll tell her how it is." Rick says after nodding.

He walks over to Andrea, who is closer to the RV. Which is far away from me so I can't hear their conversation.

But, I know it didn't go well, 'cause Andrea swings her arm around and points her gun at Rick. To which Rick slowly backs away and goes back over to Lori, Dale, and Shane.

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