Part 38: Part Of Our Family

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*Hayley's POV*

    Dad is now getting answers from the boy in the shed. Most of the group is sitting on or near the porch.

    I'm playing cards with Beth, cause Carl didn't want to play. He's been a little distant and in his own world lately. Guess he never has time to play or hangout anymore. Makes me a little sad, but at least I have Beth; she's really nice.

    As the group talks I try to keep my distance from Shane and Rick. Still a little shaken up from the conversation I heard a day prior. Shane goes to walk inside, walking by me. I shuffle closer to the table with the cards on it. I'm sure he and Beth take notice because they both give me a questioning look. I guess Shane just shrugs it off, because he walks into the house.

    "What was that about?" Beth asks me quietly. I shrug.

    "Nothing." I say.

    "You sure? Shane never hurt ya did he? You seemed a bit scared."

    "No he never hurt me. Just walked up and scared me a bit. I didn't see him is all." I say quick not wanting to make it seem like he's done something bad to me. But still making up a lie so I wouldn't have to tell her about my accidental eavesdropping.

    "Okay." She says. "Got any nines." She continues the game.

    That's when Shane comes back outside and over to Rick. 

    "So, what you gonna do?" He asks his friend, then again idk how their friendship is after everything I heard yesterday.

    "We'd all feel better if we knew the plan." Lori states looking at her husband.

    "Is there a plan? We gonna keep him here?" Shane adds.

    "We'll know soon enough." Rick responds to them both. Then our game stops as daddy walks over.

    "Boy there's got a gang, 30 men. They have heavy artillery and ain't looking to make friends. They roll through here our boys are dead, and our women, they're gonna...they're gonna wish they were." He explained. My eyes go wide and I feel Beth grab my hand and rub her thumb over the back of it soothingly. I go closer to her and hug her feeling a bit scared and overwhelmed. She hugs me close to her.

    I see Carol look down at his hands I do the same and they are all bloody, looks kind of like uncle Merle's did a lot of times.

    "What did you do?" She asked him.

    "Had a little chat." He answered her.

    "No one goes near this guy." Rick orders. Don't have to tell me twice.

    "Rick, what are you gonna do?" Someone asked him.

    "We have no choice. He's a threat. We have to eliminate the threat." Rick says. I mean he's killed two guys before what's one more huh?

    "You're just gonna kill him?!" Dale says shocked.

    "It's settled. I'll do it today." Rick says and then walks away, Dale following after him.

   I get up and walk to dad, who is wiping his hands off a bit before picking up Maddie and dusting her off, she was playing in the dirt.

    "You're such a mess girly." He tickles her. She giggles and kicks her legs wanting down.

    "I'll take her to go play with the chicks." Beth suggests walking up behind me.

    "Chicks! Chick!" Maddie says excitedly, guess it's not the first time she's been to see them. Dad laughs at her.

    "You want to go see the chicks with Beth, Mad?" He asks smiling slightly at her.

    "Yes daddy!" She says reaching for Beth who takes her and sets her down. Taking her by the hand and leads her towards the chicken pens.

    I walk to dad, and hug him.

"Well hey there Hay." He hugs me back. "What's this for."

"Can't I just hug ya?" I ask.

"Well of course. You know I love hugs from my girls, but it was just a little random is all." He says, I get distracted thinking about everything that's going on. "Are you alright hun?" Daddy asks snapping me out of it. I just shrug. "What's on your mind babygirl."

"What did ya do to that boy dad?" I ask looking up at him. He contemplates what to say.

"I talked to him." He answered.

"Daddy your hands are bloody." I roll my eyes a little.

"Well, I roughed him up a little to get answers. That way we can keep everyone here safe. Did what I had to do baby."

"Do they have to kill him daddy?"

"If Rick thinks it's best.." I cut him off.

"But do you think we should?"

"I think we'd be talking less of a risk by doing that." I look down at my feet as he gives me answers. A tear goes down my cheek. Daddy sees, bends to my level, and pulls me to him. "Babygirl. What's wrong?"

"I'm confused...I'm scared dad." I say sniffing. He rubs my back.


"I don't want to kill people! I thought it was wrong! I thought it was an evil thing to do and now everyone around me is starting to do it left and right." I say looking at him, my voice cracking a bit as I start to cry. Dad just puts my head on his shoulder and let's me cry.

"Why you saying that huh? What do ya mean?" He asks me as I calm down a bit.

"Shane killed Otis. Rick killed people when they went into town to get Hershel. And now the group is talking about killing Randell. Everyone is changing, guess murder is okay now, and that scares me."

"I know that this is all gonna be confusing and scary to you. I know this will scare you too, but we have to change with the world otherwise it'll take us down with it. There are bad people out there that we'll have to kill to survive. Wish I could tell you that you won't have to do bad things but I can't promise that. You might have to do things you don't want to, to keep not only yourself alive, but who you care about too. And I think Rick had to do the same, to keep him, Glenn and Hershel alive. I know I'm going to have to, to keep you girls alive and safe." He explains.

     "What about everyone else?" I ask him.

    "What do ya mean?" He responds.

    "The group. Would you do bad things to protect them too?"

    "I might, but you and Madison are my main priorities. You're my daughters; my family."

    "The group is becoming part of our family too. Huh daddy?" I smile at him. He gives a slight one back.

    "Yeah I guess they're growing on us huh?" He says and I nod.

    "Did Shane have to kill Otis too?"

    "I don't know. Let's just watch out for him okay?"

    "Alright." I nod. At least it eased my fear towards Rick. Makes me more afraid of Shane, and people outside the group though.

Hope y'all like this chapter! Hayley has such a BIG heart❤️
If you did please give a comment and one vote❤️❤️ love you all

I have had a crazy weekend sry I haven't updated.

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