Part 11: Lullaby

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"I need to talk to you Daryl." He says.

"Damn straight you do." I say.

*Daryl's POV*

"There was a --there was a problem in Atlanta." Shane tells me.

"He dead?" I ask thinking the worse. Hayley whimpers. I rub her back.

"We're not sure."

"Either he is or he ain't." I say annoyed. Then, a man I've never seen before walks over.

"No easy way to say this, so I'll just say it." The man says. I roll my eyes.

"Who the hell are you?!"

"Rick Grimes." He answers my question.

"Rick Grimes," I mock him, while putting Hayley down on the ground beside me," You got something you want to tell me?"

"Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal, he's still there." The guy explains to me. Wait what! They left him!

"Hold on. Let me process this. Your saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof and you left him there?!!" I yelled at Rick. Andrea came over, grabbed Hayley's hand and took her over beside to the RV with her. That was a good idea because I'm getting very angry.

"Yeah." Rick says, and nods his head. I'm furious now.

I grab the rope of squirrels hanging on my belt, and threw them at Rick with a grunt. After that Shane's body ran into mine knocking me to the ground.

"Hey!" That black guy, T-dog yells running up.

I pull my knife out and swing it at the person in front of me. Turns out it was the new guy Rick.

"Watch the knife!" I hear T-dog shout at him. I swing and miss with the knife again.

Rick then punches me in my gut, which knocks the breath out of me. Which allows Shane to grab me in a choke hold. I start struggling. I hear Maddie starting to cry, which makes me struggle harder.

"Okay, okay." Shane says to me. Rick walks up and takes the knife out of my hand. Then, Shane starts pushing me towards the ground. I fight back but he eventually gets me on the ground.

"You'd best let me go!" I shout at Shane.

"Nah, I think it's better if I don't." He says beck pissing me off. I grunt.

"Choke holds illegal."

"Well you can file a complaint. Come on,
man. We can do this all day."

I then see from the corner of my eye, Hayley breaking free of Andrea's grip, and running towards Shane and I. I try to tell her no, but whenever I say something Shane's hold gets tighter.

Hayley gets to us and starts pushing and hitting Shane. He doesn't budge though.

"Let daddy go!" She yells, her voice breaks like she's about to cry. She starts punching Shane's back. I start to fight with Shane again, not wanting my daughters to see me like this. But, I eventually stop cause I know that it's just gonna upset my little girls more.

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