Part 13: Nightmare

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     Then I hear a scream, coming from my tent...

*Daryl's POV*

    I sprint towards my tent. Fearing the worst. I couldn't live with it if I lose my girls too.

    As I get closer I hear the sounds of Maddie crying. It is sounding like Hayley is screaming.

    I see Andrea sprinting from another area in camp, she was closer so she'll get there before me. I hear people running not too far behind me. I just keep sprinting as fast as I can despite the facts.

    Andrea makes it to the tent, and I get there not too long after.

    I see Andrea trying to shake a sleeping, and screaming Hayley awake from a nightmare. Hayley is flailing her arms. She catches Andrea in the face with one of her fist. Andrea falls over with a stunned look on her face. I go over and help her up.

    "Can you get Maddie? While I wake up Hayley?" I say to her, as Hayley is still yelling on the cot. Andrea nods her head, picks a crying Maddie up and walks outside to the rest of the group.

    Rick comes in after she leaves, just as I'm about to shake Hayley awake. He doesn't say anything. He's just here to check on her I guess. So I just continue trying to wake Hayley up.

    "Hayley, come on darlin' wake up for me!" I shout over her screaming, as I start to shake her, being careful of her arms. "Hayley!" She starts to wake up.

*Hayley's POV*

I'm in our house from before. I'm confused, but I don't care to question why I'm here that much. Only...where is daddy, and Maddie?

I was just taking a nap with Maddie, and now I'm here. And, they're no where to be found.

"Daddy! Maddie!" I yell for them. I hear a thud down the hall. "Daddy! Is that you!?" I question with hope that it is.

The bedroom door down the hall, opens and then it reveals...uncle Merle?

"Hey kiddo, what's all yer damn yellin' fer?" He asks me, I guess he was sleeping, cause he looks angry that I woke him up or something.

"Uncle Merle? I'm confused. Why am I here?" I ask him, expressing my confusion. He looks at me weird.

"What the hell you talking about girl. Your at home. You get into my stuff or something?!" He says, why is he talking about his stuff? I'm so confused.

"No I was just at camp! They left you in the city for dead! I was takin' a nap with Maddie in the tent! Where's daddy?!" I shouted frustrated. Uncle Merle gives me a stern look.

"Aye don't you yell at me girl. I'll tan your hide! And, I ain't dead. Nothing can kill your uncle Merle other than me myself." He says. I stop talking, I've gotten whooped by Merle only once. He only hit me twice but those two smacks hurt!

Suddenly I hear growling, and banging on the door. I immediately knew it was a walker. I get scared and go to hide behind my uncle.

"Who the hell is knocking, right now!" Uncle Merle says, I look at him like he's grown a second head. It's obviously a walker right? He goes to open the door, but I grab his arm tightly. I try to pull him back, but obviously he doesn't budge.

"What the hell ya doin' kid! Let me go!" He says and swats my arm away. I grip my now stinging arm, as he walks up to the door.

"Please uncle Merle, be careful." I beg of him, tears starting to fill my eyes.

"What're ya freaking out about kid. It's just someone at the door." He says opening the door, not paying any attention to what's on the other side.

"Uncle Merle! Watch out!"

A male walker pushed the door the rest of the way open and basically tackles my uncle to the ground. I'm too scared to do anything but stand there. It takes a bite out of his neck. Uncle Merle's screams are so loud. I think I need to throw up.

I'm bawling, finally uncle Merle stops making noise and the walker just eats him.

I'm still crying, as I sit down close to a corner in the room. I have my head in my hands, until I hear the sound of tearing flesh stop. I look up the walker eating uncle Merle left, but he is just starting to reanimate.

As he's doing that it took me a second to realize there's another walker coming in the open house door.

I choke up when I see daddy, but he's a walker. Him and now reanimated Merle are walking slowly over too me. I am so scared! Please let this be a dream. I start to back away until I feel the wall on my back.

I can't think of anything else to do and I'm so scared. I just start screaming and crying hoping someone would hear me in time and come and save me.

"Daddy!!" I scream as they get closer. I'm bawling my eyes out.

I feel something grab my leg. I look to see its uncle Merle, he takes a bite out of my leg. My screams get louder.

"Daddy! Make him stop biting me! Please!!" I beg, but I know it won't work.

Daddy just grabs my arms and takes a bite out of my shoulder. My screams are so so loud now. I'm in excruciating pain.

Somehow over myself screaming I hear someone screaming at me, "Hayley!" They say. I hear them tell me to wake up and screaming my name some more.

Finally I close my eyes.
End of dream
*still Hayley's POV*

My eyes shoot open. I sit up fast, or at least try to with dads arms on my shoulders shaking me. I'm crying. I look at daddy's face, he looks so worried. I feel bad for causing him to worry.

"Hay? Your okay baby. It's just a dream, stop that crying." He soothes. I launched myself into his arms hugging him tightly, scared.

He hugs me back. I see Rick in the doorway to the tent, over daddy's shoulder. I bury my head in daddy's neck.

He rubs my back trying to soothe me as best he can.

"It was so s-scary daddy!" I say. He kissed the side of my head.

"I know sweetie. It's just a dream though. Yer safe, I promise." He tells me. I just nod my head and we just sit there, while he rubs my back, and rocks me letting me cry.

"Daddy's got ya baby girl." I hear him say before I fell asleep again.

Poor Hayley!🙁
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