Part 50: Andrea?

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*Daryl's POV*

    After being stopped and I talked to Carol I grab grub for me, Hayley and Merle. I get some cereal bars and head back towards the cell they're making Merle stay in.

    As I get closer I see Hayley talking to Merle, but then all of a sudden she gets up and runs away from his cell, and straight pass me. She looked upset.

    I throw Merle a questioning look, and he just shrugs his shoulders.

    I set the bars down, and then I head in the same direction she went.

    I called her name but she just kept running. The others shouted after her as she passed them also. Didn't stop her.

    She runs out of the cell block, and I curse to myself. I grab a gun just in case, and I start to run after her. But, I'm stopped by Beth.

    "What?" I ask quickly, wanting to get my daughter back to safety.

    "Let me talk to her." She said.


    "Because, maybe she just needs a friend."

I think for a second and then I decide that maybe she's right. I hand her the gun and let her follow my daughter.

*Hayley's POV*

I run until my legs get tired. I look around not really knowing where in the prison I ended up. I lean against the nearest wall, and slide down it.

I put my head to my knees, until I hear footsteps, that make me try to hide further into the shadows.

"Hayley?" I hear a familiar voice call out.

I peek my head around the wall separating me from her.

"Beth?" I say and sniffle. She comes closer and sits beside me.

"Yeah. It's me. You okay?" She asks.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive my uncle." I confess.

"What did he do?"

"He helped the Governor kill my best friend."

"Oh. That's bad."

"I know."

"Does he regret it? Did he apologize?"

"He did apologize. He said that he had no choice. I still hate what he did though."

    "Maybe he told the truth. Maybe he did what he had to do. You'll never like what happened, and you shouldn't. But, if he's telling the truth..neither does he."

    "I guess you're right. I'm still mad at him. It'll take me a while to forgive him. Might just keep away from him until then."

    "Well, everyone has times where they need to cool off, feel their anger and hurt. You're grieving and just learned some messed up information. If you don't talk to him for a bit I'm sure he'd understand that."

    "I miss her so much."

    "If talking helps you, then tell me about..."

   "Taylor. She was such a good person. Always knew how to cheer someone up. I was with her and a couple other friends after the farm got overrun. We all took care of each other. She was a extrovert." I giggle. "She taught me what that means, I learned I was kind of the opposite ,an introvert. But we got along pretty well anyway. She taught me a lot of things."

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