Part 60: "This F*cking Sucks"

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They had decided for the exposed survivors to try and keep away from the unexposed, as much as possible, and put the sick ones into a separate cell block. In hope to contain and control this flu like outbreak.

Jude, being the only one from the council to be unexposed, is overseeing the people who are sort of quarantined away from those that were.

I know it'll be difficult for him, him being so young. And with older men from Woodbury possibly causing trouble, out of anger for him being in the council in the first place. Plus him being worried for not only his little brother, but his other friends exposed, including me.

I'm outside now with my father as he digs graves. He won't let me help, but insists I wear a bandana over my face anyway. Just in case.

"Daddy?" I say, grabbing his attention.

"Yeah?" He acknowledged me while still digging.

"What's gonna happen now?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" He replied with his own question.

"Are we just waiting for everyone getting sick to die? What if we get sick? Would we die too?" I ask a million questions in slight panic.

"Hey, hey." Daddy stops me before I can ask any more. "I wish I could say that everything will be fine, and that no one else is gonna die. But, that'd be a lie. It's gonna be crazy and scary for a little while okay. But we'll go and get medicine. And, We'll be okay. I'll make sure of that."


I hear footsteps so I turn and see Rick walking over to us.

"Glad you were in there." Daddy tells Rick.

"Wasn't much use without my gun." Rick responds. Picking up a shovel.

"No, you were. All this time you've been taking off, you earned it." Daddy argues. "We wouldn't be here without you."

It's true..

"It was all of us."

"No, it was you first. You gonna help us figure this out?"

"I screwed up too many times. Those calls you got to make, I start down that road... I almost lost my boy-- who he was. Whatever else this place needs, I'm here for it."

"Like I said, you earned it. But for what it's worth, you see mistakes. I see when the shit hits, you're standing there with a shovel."

"Rick! Daryl!" Maggie yells to the two men, from over by the fence.

We look over and see that it's leaning and about to fall over with the weight from the walkers.

"Oh shit!" Rick and dad curse before running over.

I decide that while they deal with that, I'll dig graves, so my father won't fall behind. So after I find gloves I do just that.

After a while, I hear shouting from where they went to, and looked over to see the fence falling over a bit. My breath hitches.

Rick runs over to the pig pen, while daddy runs to get a truck. I run to follow Rick.

"What's goin' on?!" I ask, after catching up with him.

"We've got a plan to draw them away." He says. Going into the pigs pen.

"And I'm guessing it involves, the pigs." I ask.

"Yeah it does, help me catch them all."

Following orders I help him catch all 5 piglets.

Catching the last one, I go to put her inside the wooden box with the others.

"Sorry, Violet." I say quietly, but Rick hears and gives me a solemn smile.

"This is why we don't name them." He says eye level with me. "I'm sorry."

Daddy drives the truck over to us, and then helps Rick put the box in the back.

"I want you to change clothes, and take the ones you have on now, and leave them by the pen so I can burn them, okay?" Rick orders me, jumping into the bed with the pigs, while daddy gets back in the drivers seat.

"Okay." I nod.

I run over to the inside fence, to watch on from afar.

After, Maggie and Tyreese open the gate. They drive out into the opening outside the prison fences. Quickly catching the attention of the walkers.

I wince when I watch Rick slice the first poor piglets leg. Releasing it to be devoured by walkers. Barely able to watch as he does the same with the other four, as my father drives. Leading the walkers away long enough for Sasha and Glenn to reinforce the fence.

I sigh sadly when it's over, and then run to grab my clothes that I had moved from my place in cell block C.

Now in a cell I share with my father. Carl being my former cell mate. Taking extra measures for my friends safety.

When I finish changing I walk back out to the pig pen, well now it's just a pen.

I notice two figures already there. Rick and Carl. Rick burning his shirt already.

"I thought we were to be separated." I say confused.

"He's keeping his distance." Rick replies, and I see that he's right. Carl is standing several feet away from his father, and backs away so I can come closer to the latter.

Rick takes my contaminated clothes from me and tossed them into the fire.

Man I really liked that shirt..

"This fucking sucks." I say out loud, realizing what I said after I said it. In front of Rick for that matter.

Carl laughs at me.

"I'd have to agree. But, me being an authority figure, I'd also have to ask you to watch your language." Rick chuckles.

"Sorry, didn't mean to say it out loud." I shrug.

But I meant every word...

This absolutely, one hundred percent, royally, FUCKING sucks.

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And I've been looking at articles ab the time line of the entire show and I've been thinking if Hayley makes it all the way to the end, {season 11} she would be around 20-22 years of age. Same goes for Maddie, IF she makes it to the end she'd be like 12-14. I mean correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that's about right.🤷🏻‍♀️that would be wild 😂

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