It was there when his father told him about the accident that had killed his older brother and made him the heir to Jeon Corporation. It was there when his dad told him that his mum had left the family home to be with the man who consoled her after Jungkook's father shut her out following the death of their eldest son. It was also there when his dad told him that his mum was recovering in a hospital after her lover dumped her and she tried to drive her car off a ravine.

"Son, how is work going? Are you enjoying learning things from the ground up?"

"Yes, appa."

"Is this the week that you're training in the Finance Department?"

"Yes, appa."

"You know, don't you?"

Jungkook bit his lip as he stared down at this feet. He had wondered when his father was going to tell him.

He marvelled at how his father had managed to keep it from him for so long. It made sense now why his dad delayed his training with the Finance Department multiple times when it would have made better sense for him to learn about the company by immediately working with the team that handled the company's funds after graduation because that was what he went to university for. After all, he was a double major in Business and Finance.

Jeon Corporation was sinking. It has been losing money for some time now. Each subsidiary, each project, each business venture was bleeding money like a cut artery.

The only thing that was keeping the family business afloat was Jungkook's mother's inheritance which she had given to her husband after she left him so he wouldn't stop her from going to her lover.

But now those funds were evaporating because not only was it being used to try and shore up Jeon Corporation, it was also being used to pay for Jungkook's mum's medical bills. His mother has been living in a long-term medical facility following her accident.


"Yes, appa, I know."

"Son, do you remember Mr Park?"

Jungkook frowned. Of course, he remembered Mr Park. He was his father's best friend since high school.

Mr Park owned Park Group, and had two sons whom he was grooming to take over. No, Jungkook corrected himself, he only had one son left because his youngest had died from complications after undergoing surgery.

Mr Park had been the first to come to his father after Jungkook's brother died. He had been the one to help with funeral arrangements when Jungkook's parents were unable to function due to grief.

"Mr Park has a son that he would like to see settled before he hands over the company to him. His son is a bit flighty, and Mr Park is hoping to find someone who can temper his carefree nature so he knows the company will be in good hands when he retires."

Jungkook could see where this was going and he wanted no part of it. Though he never indicated his serious feelings for Jin to his father, he has also never given him reason to believe that his relationship with Jin wasn't permanent.

His dad knew he and Jin have been together since his freshman year in university but he has never met Jin. He was going to have cut his father off before he made suggestions that Jungkook would only decline, and in the process, hurt the man's feelings.

"And you want to know if I have any friends that I can introduce to Mr Park's son?"


"You want me to help matchmake his son."

"No, Jungkook, that's not it. I... I... uhm... I want you to meet his son. See if he would be compatible with you."

"With me? Appa, have you forgotten that I have a boyfriend?"

"Please, Jungkook. Just go and see him. He might be a better match for you."

"No, appa."

"Jungkook, I need you to do this."

"Why? What do you see happening if I agree to meet Mr Park's son?"

"Jimin. His name is Jimin. Park Jimin. I'm hoping that after you meet him, you will like him enough to consider marrying him."

"Marry? Marry someone I don't know?!"

"Jungkook, we need this marriage to save the company. To save our family."

"No, appa!" Jungkook rushed to his feet. "I have a boyfriend and we've been together for four years since I was a freshman at uni. His name is Kim Seokjin, and I love him very much. I have asked him to move to Seoul so we can start a life together."



His father sighed and it caused Jungkook to look at him. To really look at him. And he realised that his dad was getting old.

The years since his brother died have not been kind to his father. And when his mum left, his dad had lost himself even more.

Jungkook had encouraged his father to divorce his mother but he had refused because he still loved her and understood that he was partly to blame for her leaving.

This was the man who gave him life, who raised him, who taught him everything he knew, and who loved him so much that he tried to shield him from the harsh realities of life. Was it too much to agree to meet Park Jimin?

Though his father would like him to consider marrying Park Jimin, he never said that he must. He was simply asking him to meet the man.

It was Jungkook's turn to sigh, and this caused his father to look at him with barely disguised hope in his eyes.

"Fine, appa. I will meet Park Jimin. But I make no promises."

The relief on his father's face lightened the heavy feeling in Jungkook's chest. He shuffled to the door and was about to leave when his dad called out to him.

"You won't regret this, Jungkook."

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