Chapter 07

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Jane POV

''Jane the kids and the nanny are here.'' Kate said on the phone.

''Bring them to the my office.''

I heard knocking on the door and I replied.
''Come in.''
Kate open the door and Jess and Jason ran into the office, while the nanny was followed behind them.

''Mommy we have missed you.'' They said in union, that was something that happened a lot.
I didn't think they were planning it, it just happened.

''I missed you too, my cuties.'' I said kissing them both on the face.

''How was your day?'' I questioned looking at  Chloe the nanny.

''It would be better if the school player didn't come my way.'' She explained.

''Oh, that boy again.''

''Yes it's James, it is like me being annoying, makes him happy.''

''Maybe he likes you. Some people doesn't know how to express their feelings in the normal way, so they do things that irritates you.''

Chloe wasn't really a nanny, she was  the girl next door. She lived with her mother and her little brother of ten. She was an college student. Who needed money to buy her studies books, but wouldn't allow anyone too buy them for her. She wanted to earn money by herself, that's how I asked her to be my kids nanny.

She doesn't do much, she just bring them to school when I couldn't, pickup them and babysit them sometimes.

''Mommy can we go to the park?'' Jason asked.
''Yes, let's go to the park and I want ice cream.'' Jess shouted.

''Your wish is my comment, my babies.'' I said, in a chanting voice making them giggled.

''Chloe will you come with us?''

''Yes, it's been long since I had fresh air and I need it.''

''You are a strong woman. I don't think I would be able to take care of twins on my age.''

''I didn't do it alone, I had my parents, my brother and most of all my cousin since my parents and brother had to move back here. He is everything I could asked for.''

''Do you think your life would be better if you and your ex never dated?''

''No, I don't regret it, if that's what you are asking. If I wasn't with him, I wouldn't have those two there.'' I said pointing to my daughter and son who were playing with some other kids.

''Does your ex know about his kids?'' Chloe asked me.

''No, he doesn't.''

''He doesn't? Why?''

''I'm not ready tell him yet.'' I explained.

''Lisa, what do you think about me telling Alex about my babies?''

''Are you ready, to do that?''

It had been a week since me, my kids and Chloe went to the park. I decided to tell Alex about our son and daughter. I was tired to hide away from people, just because I didn't want Alexander to find out about  his children.

''I'm not, I just want to tell him.'' I replied confused.

''Then tell him, I had always advised you to tell him, but you wouldn't.
Now that you have decide to tell him, I'm very happy for you. And you guys can be a family.'' She said giving me a big smile.

''Thank you Lisa, for always being there for me.'' I said getting emotional.

''Oh come here.'' She said giving me a hug.

''Is your man here yet?'' She asked looking around.
''No, and he's not my man.''

''Speaking of the devil.'' She said looking at the door.

Alex was standing there with his parents. He was looking around like he was searching for someone. When his eyes fell on me, he stopped. He gave me a head to toe look then got busy with the phone in his hand, that I thought was ringing and walked outside.

"I think he is thinking about how to
ripping  your outfit.'' Lisa whisper. I pretended not to hearing her, while walking away from her.
I needed to eat something, there was so much food here. And they smelled so good. But I couldn't eat just yet, I needed to get over all the drama first. So I went for some wine. Red wine was my favourite.

There were so many people here that I hadn't even seen before. If this was up to me, I would have only invite family and friends.

While I was standing at the window texting the Chloe to know how my babies were doing. I looked out off the window and saw Alexander was standing there talking on the phone. He seemed to be stressing about something.

He ended the call and started passing back and forth. He was about walking into the building, then stopped and turned around like some was calling his name.
First he frowns and he then smiled at a woman that walked towards him.
They hugged and started talking, she was pointing to the building and he was shaking his head in the ''no'' manner. Maybe she wanted to be in the party.
She seem desperate to get in here, but Alexander wouldn't let her.
He held her close to him and started talking in her ears. She was blushing like a school girl. Alex was playing with her hair and all off sudden they started kissing.

That was too much to watch. Why is she even here? Can't he wait till this party is over, I thought to myself . You may be think that I was jealous, but no, I didn't care if he wanted to be with her, just not in my presence.

The party was so boring. Everyone was enjoy themselves. Lisa whom was  with her husband, saw me looking at them and wave at me with big smile. My parents and Alex's were talking. I wish I was at home with my babies. We would have been watching movies and eating popcorn.

''This is my baby sister engagement party but, she doesn't seem to be happy.'' Jack said walking towards me with his wife.

''Are you okay? Did Alex do something to you?'' He asked.
''No he did not. By the way, Lana you are looking beautiful.'' I said smiling.

My brother sight knowing I was  changed the subject. ''You look like a queen.'' Lana said smiling.

''Thank you. How is my niece?'' I asked looking at my brother who was looking at me. As if am crazy, he knew

I didn't want to be here.

''Where's your finance?'' Lana asked
''I'm right here.'' Answered a voice behind us.

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