Chapter 04

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Alexander POV

I sometimes hated the life that I had to live. Why couldn't I just choose who I wanted to marry. My grandparents had choose it for me. It wouldn't be bad if it was some random girl. But no of all the women in this whole wide world they had to choose my ex-girlfriend.
The girl who has break my heart completely.

I wished everything was different. Our marriage wouldn't have to be forced. I would have been the one proposing to her. I loved her with everything I had in me but she cheated. And I hated her, I don't even wanted to go to this family reunion party. But if I didn't, I would loose everything I had, to that cheater. I thought to myself.

My name is Alexander King, I am the richest man in New York city. People think that my wealth was handed over to me but is not. I started at the age of sixteen. Even though my parents had money, I had never asked them to help me with my business. I had two jobs, one at a supermarket and one at a fast-food shop.
You may be thinking if I had rich parents why did I had to work?
It was all on me, I wanted to do my own thing. And I wanted to that to show people that not all rich kids are spoilt as they say.
I have a sister who thinks she older than me but we are the same age 26. Yes I am a twin, my sister name is Alexia

My best friend is Benjamin, we met at fifth grade. Jack is also my best friend but we knew each since from birth. We are like family. Benjamin was the kid in my class whom didn't had any friends. He wouldn't bring anything to school to eat or money to buy food. His clothes were always and very dirty. No one wanted to talk to him or be his friend. I pity him, my parents loved to tell us nobody is better than others. So I went to talk to him. I asked him 'why are you so dirty? And why don't you bring food to school or buy?'
He told me, not everyone is spoil rich as me. Than I asked him if I could be his friend. He said yes, we had been best bodies since then.

His mother was sick and they didn't have any money. I told my parents about him and his mother and they helped them.
My parents had paid his school fees and bought him clothes.
His mother then got her own restaurant.

I was at my parents house. Waiting for them, so we could go together to the reunion party.
"Dad where is mom? We are already late." I said out of frustration.
"She is coming." He said smiling at my mom who is walking down the stairs.

"Son why such a hurry? We will get their and you will see what a beautiful woman Jane has turn into." Mom said smiling.

"I don't care for her."I said annoyingly

Jane POV

"Jason, you are not coming to the party." I said to my son who was pouting at me.

"But mommy you said it is a family reunion." Jason said in baby voice arguing with me.
"Oh boy, you are to smart. This party is not for children."
"But mommy..."
''No but, stop arguing with me.'' I said to Jason who was about to cry.
''Hey, what is going on here? Aren't you ready yet, Jane?" My brother asked entering my living room.

"No, I am not. Jason won't let me. He keep on nagging."
Jason was just three but sometimes you will think he is an old man.

"What's wrong with him?" Jack asked looking at Jason whom was crying.
"I told him and Jess about the party. And that I will not bring them this time. Jess was cool about it, but Jason he was like 'mommy you said it is a family reunion.'

"What? Did he say that?" Jack asked in laughter.

"Yes, he did and I was shocked he said that."

"He is just like his father, he always talked as an old men."

"Please don't mention him." I said looking at my brother.

"Come on Jane, it's almost five years you guys breaked up. Aren't you over him?"

"I am over him. I just don't want my kids ask me about him."

"But you have to tell them about him and he need to know about them."

"I know that I have to tell him. But remember he hates me. I don't want my children to be reject by their own father."

"Just tell him, if he reject them. You know you did the right thing."

"Ok I will think about." I said smiling.

15 minutes later

We arrived at my parents house.
I was with my brother and his wife. It wasn't easy for us to got out of the house. Jess and Bella whom wasn't crying, also started crying when were about to leave.

We had to tell them a lie, for them to stop crying.
You may be thinking why we haven't brought them.
Alexander would be at the party and I didn't want to start a drama while Jason and Jess were there.
So Jack and Lana decided to leave Bella and my children with their nanny

"Jane what are still doing in the car?" Jack asked looking at me with a big smile.
"Am not sure I want to go to the this party." I said feeling anxious.
"What are you talking about, you are already here." He said frowning.

"I'm not ready for this." I said looking at Lana. Who was already looking at us and listening to our conversation. She walked towards me and said. You are going inside there if don't want to loose everything you have.

We get out off the car and I started walking. We got inside the house and my parents were in the living room dancing.

"Good evening, you guys started without us?" Lana asked them.

"No we are just dancing." Mom said smiling.

"Mom and daddy can I talk to you guys for a second." I asked my parents.

"Yes, you can. What's going on? You look nervous." Mom said smiling.

"I need you guys to promise me something."
"What's wrong?"
"I want you guys to promise me not to talk about my children with the King's." I said fast taking a deep breath.
"What? But why?" My dad asked.

"Just promise me you will not tell them."
"Okay we promise. Now come with me in the kitchen, there's a lot that has to be done."

Enjoy the story.
❤ u all

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