Chapter 18

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Jane POV

'' I was thinking, we can go on a date tonight?'' Alex said as he warped his arms around my waist.

''Beside we haven't done that for a while.'' He continued.

''I can't.'' I walked away from him, taking my bag to leave.

''I know you hate the paparazzi, but I will procted you.''

''Is not that Alex, I will go to my house after work.'' I said.

''Why? We have been married for two weeks now and I only see you on the weekends.'' He said frowning.

''Don't you think we are moving too fast?'' I voiced.

''What do mean with we are moving too fast? This is not new to us, we have been in a relationship before.'' He confusely said.

''I need time, Alex.''

''Are you in a relationship with someone else?'' He asked sharply.

''No, why would you ask me that?'' I answered turning towards him.

''Well it seem like I am cheating with someone's wife. Because all we do is being sneaky, like we are afraid of been seen by somebody.'' He explained.

''Why can't you move in?'' He continuing in low voice.

''I not ready.'' I respond.

''Can you please explain the reason?'' He impatiently asked.

''Just like I said before, I'm not ready.''

''Fine.'' He replied walking out off the bedroom. I really don't know how or when to tell Alex about Jason and Jess.

''Alex'', I shouted his name going after him.
He walk into his office and was about to shut the door in my face but I was fast to get in before he did.

''What do you want? I'm done talking.'' He said annoyingly.

''Well, I'm not!''

''Can you please understand, that I can't move in.''

''I will understand when you explain the reason why you can't. And don't tell me you aren't ready, I don't want to hear it.'' He stated sitting on the desk of his office.

''Just give me time, Alexander.'' I responded, didn't t know what else to say.

''If I had asked you years to move in with me, would you?'' He questioned. Of course I would. Our situation years back and now is not the same.

''Yes'', I answered in a whisper.

''Then why not now?''

''We are grown now and I have responsibility.''

''I do too. Beside if you do not want to move in with me, I can move in with you.'' He suggested.

I sighted and he gave me a confused look.

''I think we should take a break.'' I implied locking my eyes with him.

''Are you breaking-up with me?'' He asked in a painfull voice.

''No, I just need to fix myself.''

''Leave.'' He coldly said, in a whisper that I almost didn't hear him.

''Alex please don't be like this.''

''You said you want a break, I'm giving you the break you want. Now leave.'' He barked.

I think I am the most stupid person in the world. What is so hard in tell a man you have his children.
It had been a two weeks since me and Alexander had a fight. I missed him dearly.

''Jane are you listing?''


''Are you for real?'' Lisa questioned rolling her eyes.

''What?'' I asked again, not understanding what she was talking about.

''You are think about Alexander. Aren't you?'' She smirked at me.

''I'm not.'' I lied.

She laughed walking into my clothes and coming back with a black dress in her hand.

''I know you are lying but it's fine. Take this dress it will do you good tonight.'' She handed me the dress.
It was Friday and Alexander mother suggested that we should have a family dinner.

I got dress and did my hair and make-up. As I Walked out of the my bed room, Jason gasped as he saw me.

''Mommy you are so beautiful.'' He said and hugged me.

''Thank you darling.'' I said hugging him back.

''Mommy where are you going?'' Jess asked in a sad voice. She already knew that they weren't coming with me.

''Mommy is going out and mommy wants you guys to be good.'' I explained looking at both of them.

''Okay mommy.'' They both replied. 

''I love you my babies.'' I said kissing their faces.
''We love you too mommy.'' They said and I left.

I knocked on the door as arrived, at the Kings house. A maid opened the door for me and smiled telling me to come in.

''Jane.'' Alex mother said walking towards me.
''Hey.'' I said hugging her.

''Now come let's go to the dinning since everybody is waiting for the you.'' She said as I was late. We got the  dinning table.

''I am sorry, I came late.'' I said and I sat down on the open chair that was beside Benjamin.

''Why are you being so polite.'' Benjamin whispered in my ear.

''I don't know, maybe because I am in my inlaw's house.'' I whispered back giggling.

''I still can't believe that the two of you are married. '' Mrs.King said grinning from ear to ear.

''Mother please don't start.'' Alex said annoyingly. The whole time we were talking and laughing. He sat quite beside his father looking at me and I was ignoring him.

''Honey, are you okay?'' My mom asked furrowed her brows at me.

''Yes, why?'' I asked.

''She probably pregnant, who eats macaroni and cheese with cupcake?''  Lana said giving my food a nasty look.

'' I am not pregnant.'' I flatly replied.

''What if you are?'' Alex mother asked with hope in her eyes.

''I can't wait to see my grand kids.'' She continued smiling. If she only knew. I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled.

''She is pregnant.'' Lana said again, she could a witch something.

'' I said I am not pregnant. Beside I have been pregnant before so I know that I'm not pregnant.'' I said irritated.

''You have been pregnant before?'' Alex asked shocked. 

''Did I say that?'' I asked confused.

''Yes, you did. Were you?'' Mr. King replied.
I looked at Benjamin and he said, ''tell them.''
Alex was looking at Benjamin's hand that was holding my hand on the table for encouragement. He didn't look happy.

''Yes, I have.'' As I said that Alex flew over the table and pounced Benjamin and they fell on the ground.

''Alex stop it!'' I shouted as he continued to hit Benjamin.

''How could you do this to me. You know Jane had been mine and will for ever be mine.'' Alex said in anger.

''Alexander please stop it, you are the one who got me pregnant.'' I said making my mother and Alex's gasped.

''What are you saying? My dad questioned.

''I am sorry dad, I lied.'' I replied in shame.

''I am very disappointed in you.'' He expressed looking away from me.

And if this evening cloudn't get better I heard, ''mommy''

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